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The Rock Cycle Different kinds of rocks Difference between rocks and minerals Famous structures Experiments to try Games to play Next Page
Igneous SedimentaryMetamorphic Click here when have learned about each rock
(Ig-knee-us) Some identifying facts: Formed from hot lava cooling Usually as little holes where air or gas used to be Click here to learn some more!here Go back to rock types
(Said-i-men-tary) Some identifying facts Has three different types: Clastic, Carbonate and Evaporate. Formed from lots and lots of deposits becoming compacted. Grain is 1/10,000 an inch More information Go back to rock types
(Met-a-mor-phic) Some identifying facts Broken into two kinds: foliated and nonfoliated Click here to see more cool things!here Go back to rock types
Make tools out of them Decorate with them Build things with them Collect them
I am in China. Close to 1 million people lost their lives trying to build me. Who am I? I am in the US and I am a statue of one of the most famous US presidents. Who am I? I was built clear back in 2500 BC, before machinery was invented. Nobody knows how anyone was strong enough to make me. Who am I? I was build to hold the dead pharaohs of Egypt. Who am I? Answer Click to move on Answer
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Have you been here before? The Grand Canyon Arches National Park Zion’s National Park Bryce Canyon Monument Valley Click here to watch a video of Utah’s rocks.here
We are going to be doing an assignment that will help us see how much we use rocks in our lives! Each student is going to go home and take pictures with a camera of the different ways we use rocks. Can take pictures of anything that is a rock. Everybody is going to bring their 5 best pictures back and then make a collage to hang up in our classroom. Raise your hand to tell me you are done and I will show you my example together as a class. You are done!
Standard 2 Earth and Space Science. Students will gain an understanding of Earth and Space Science through the study of earth materials, celestial movement, and weather. Objective 1 Describe the characteristics of different rocks. Explain how smaller rocks come from the breakage and weathering of larger rocks. Describe rocks in terms of their parts (e.g. crystals, grains, cement). Sort rocks based upon color, hardness, texture, layering, particle size and type (i.e. igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary).