Public Meeting at Moab To Discuss Water Resource Issues August 21, 2007
Agenda Navajo Settlement Agreement Federal Reserved Water Rights Settlement Agreements for Natural Bridge Arches Other issues
Water Rights Settlement Agreement Navajo Nation / State of Utah MOU entered into 2003 The parties agreed to begin discussions Numerous meetings / discussions
Navajo Nation Water Rights There is no argument that the Navajo Nation have water rights, the question is how much? 25 % Navajo haul water for drinking & livestock use
Navajo Nation Potential Claims Winters v. United States, 1908 Practicably irrigable acreage (PIA) NN water right claims (depletion) –Irrigation 152,000 AF –Municipal 9,000 AF –Industrial 5,800 AF
Proposed Provisions for a Navajo Water Rights Settlement Agreement Annual depletion – 81,000 AF Priority date: 1884, 1892 and 1933 Inventory all existing uses Water resource project to deliver water to Monument Valley, Red Mesa et al Cooperative effort for federal funding Protect existing state appropriative water users Water used in Utah / Compacts Management and administration Preliminary Subject to Revision
Utah’s Apportionment (23%) 1,369,000 AF Current Depletion1,007,500 AF Remaining Depletion 361,500 AF Utah’s Upper Colorado River Entitlement & Current Depletions
Estimated Depletion – 2005 Units – 1000 Acre Feet Source: Division of Water Resources Agriculture/stock591.4 Municipal/Domestic 25.3 Power/Industrial 44.6 Exports/Imports206.9 Reservoir Evaporation 19.3 Evaporation CRSP Res TOTAL1007.5
ApplicantQuantity (Ac Ft) San Juan County WCD 30,000 Central Utah WCD 29,500 Board of W R (et al) 158,000 Wayne County WCD 50,000 Kane County WCD 30,000 Sanpete WCD 5,600 Uintah County WCD 5,000 Others (< 5000 AF) 80,000* Ute Tribe ? 105, ,100 TOTAL 493,100 Potential Depletion Approved Applications (Undeveloped)
ApplicantQuantity (Ac Ft) Priority SJ County WCD 30, CUWCD 29, Bd of W R (et al) 158, Wayne CWCD50, Kane CWCD30, Sanpete WCD 5, Uintah CWCD 5, Others (< 5000 AF)80,000 (40,000 < 1965)na Ute Tribe ? 105, * Navajo Nation?81, * Potential Depletion Approved Applications (Undeveloped) DRAFT – Subject to revision 574,100
Adjudication Efforts 05-1 Castle Creek In final review to prepare for signature Publication of Proposed Determination is anticipated Fall Taylor Flat Fieldwork has been completed Water rights are being reviewed and field data compiled to prepare Statements of Water User’s Claims
Federal Reserved Rights Implied in Reservation Accomplish Reservation Purposes Minimum Amount Priority is date of Reservation Does not follow Prior Appropriation
Settlement Agreements Quantify reserved water rights Administrative Uses Insitu Uses Address intervening existing state rights Address protection (resource preservation) Convert state applications to reserved right Bring all rights under state administration Implemented through general determination
Arches National Park Issues –Water for Campgrounds etc –Natural flows through park –Springs in Courthouse wash –Large SITLA land block
Arches Solution Administrative Uses (60 acft depletion) Subordinate to existing rights (except Dalton) Limit on reservoirs upstream Limit on upstream appropriation 150 acft Adopt appropriation policy requiring showing of no impact to springs in Courthouse Wash
Natural Bridges Issues –Limited source for administrative purposes –Undeveloped area –Upstream land in Federal ownership –Hanging Gardens (gw system)
Natural Bridges Solution Administrative Right (25 af) Upstream appropriation limitations –Limited to 200 af, 100 af surface –Storage limited to 20 af capacity –Armstrong/White Canyon 75 af –Burch/Deer Canyon 50 acft –GW Protection Zone (10 af / section)
Groundwater Studies Courthouse Wash Moab-Spanish Valley Blanding (Available fall 2007) Available at
Trend line for reconstructed precipitation data 1 2 3
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