SEBI 07 Nationally designated protected areas indicator in KOSOVO Qenan Maxhuni, NRC for Biodiversity
Institutional framework Responsible institution for biodiversity conservation and management: Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency (KEPA) –Institute for Nature Protection –Directorate for NP “SHARRI” –Directorate for NP “BJESHKET E NEMUNA” Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development Scientific institutions: –Academy of Science and –Prishtina University NGOs
Legal framework Law on Environmental Protection (2009/03-L-025), Law on Nature Protection (No. 03/L-233) Law on National Park “Sharri” (No. 04/L-087), Law on National Park "Bjeshkët e Nemuna" (No. 04/L-086), Law on Spatial Planning (2003/30), Law on Forests (2003/6), (2004/40), Law on Hunting (2006/41), Law of Fishery and Aquaculture (2006/02-L85).
Protected Areas in Kosovo According to new Law on Nature Protection: 1.Strict Nature Reserve; 2.National Park; 3.Special Area – SPAs and SAC; 4.Nature Park; 5.Nature Monument; 6.Protected Landscape; 7.Park Architecture Monument.
Protected Areas in Kosovo CategoryNameNo.Area /h INature Reserves Plant NR6 Animal NR2 Special NR3 IINational Park IIINature Monuments Speleological NM5 Hydrological NM15 Geomorphologic NM7 Botanic NM56 VREGIONAL PARK VPROTECTED LANDSCAPE169 Total
1953 – – – 2009 Chronology…
Data flow CDDA1: Designated areas Delivery on time: 97 sites reported. All sites have designations, IUCN categories, size and coordinates. Boundaries provided for 22 sites of the 28 sites with area greater than 1 hectare (79%). Progress 2011–2012
Overall performance of countries
Lack of programs for biodiversity monitoring Nature institutional framework not developed properly; Ecosystem and habitat fragmentation as the result of settlement and infrastructure enlargement Intervention in protected areas Lack of full inventory for flora, fauna and habitats Not sufficient researches on biodiversity are taking place Low budget for nature protection Lack of activities on awareness rising Main obstacles/problems
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