1 Essential NDTMS Core Data Set G Training 17 th March 2010 John Liddell, Deputy Regional Manager
2 Why NDTMS… The National Treatment Agency –More people into treatment –Creation of an evidence base –legitimacy of drug treatment Translating benefit –Shorter waiting times –More people in treatment –Care planned with a range of interventions –Improved exits and outcomes ? ‘I didn’t get into this business to fill in forms’
3 NDTMS and the internal environment NDTMS and Commissioning –Performance management –Measure effectiveness –Support need assessment and re commissioning process Stakeholder engagement and the ‘treatment contribution’ –Crime –Health –Community Safety How effective is your treatment system? –Regardless of targets, how effective should it be?
4 NDTMS and the external environment Dept of Health, Home Office & Min of Justice. –Pooled Treatment Budget –1,500 DRD, 35,000 Alcohol and 80,000 Smoking –Treatment’s impact on crime Society –1% of population are addicted to heroin and/or crack –Expectation that people become ‘drug free’ The media –4% of drug free completions –Positive engagement with NTA
5 What’s next… NDTMS implementation in Prisons International interest in NDTMS and TOP Data Warehousing –Mapping the long term benefits of treatment National Audit Office –Drug treatment saves £2.50 for every £1.00 spent