22 June 2000 D  2000 - NIU Workshop S. Doulas From Detector to Ntuples: Muons Steven Doulas Northeastern University Boston, MA D0 Muon Upgrade Group.


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Presentation transcript:

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas From Detector to Ntuples: Muons Steven Doulas Northeastern University Boston, MA D0 Muon Upgrade Group

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas Muon Upgrade Detector Bottom B/C Scint Central Trigger Scint ( A-  ) Forward Trigger Scint (Pixels) Forward Tracker (MDTs) Shielding PDTs

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas Muon Detector Status u Forward Shielding n N/S EF plugs installed n North EMC truss shielding complete, needs mounting hardware & pre-install. survey n South EMC truss shielding assembly in progress  Forward Muon u Tracking Chambers - Mini-Drift Tubes n A-layer MDT’s octants(8+8) installed on N&S end Iron (EF) n C-layer MDT’s completely assembled, these are the largest (Lab F) n B-layer assembly has begun (Lab F)

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas Muon Detector Status u Trigger Counters n A-layer assembly started on shielding wall, shooting to have N&S on EF by early July n B&C-layer assembled and tested, in storage at Lab F.

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas Level 1 Triggering  Purpose of Level 1 Muon Trigger (L1MU) is to identify muon candidates to Trigger Framework (TF) u L1MU decision <3.3  s after Beam crossing  L1MU tools to reduce L1 trigger rates u Match L1CFT track (P T info) with scintillator hits u Timing window for scintillator hits u Forming centroids from wire chamber hits in different planes and correlations between layers  L1MU triggers are user-defined u L1MU(mult,P T,eta,scint,wire,sign) n Mult:0,1,2,3 n P T :2, 4, 7, 11 GeV n eta: C, N, S, NX, SX, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 n CFT and scintillator: L, T, X n Wire and scintillator: L, T, X n Sign: S, O, X  Commissioning of pre-production muon trigger cards is in progress.

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas Level 2 Algorithms  Level 2 (L2) is used as a rejection tool and pre-processing for Level 3 u Total L2 bandwidth ~1kHz to L3 u L2 has 3 stage processing:~100  s u Muon object finding u ID quality assignments  Stage 1 - SLIC Cards u Fast calibration - T 0 subtracted scintillator hit time and PDTs have drift distances u 3D track segment finding for A and BC layers separately  Stage 2 - Alpha pre-processor u Assembles 3D muon tracks u Assigns track quality (L/T) u Calculates momentum u Time stamp(prompt,slow,out-time)

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas Level 2 Algorithms  Stage 3 - Global Level 2 u Collects muon candidates (from Alpha) and physics objects from other L2 subsystems. n Objects: Jet,EM,ME T,MU,TRK,IP u Muon Selection (Num,P T,  -range,quality) u Muon Relations (Global L2 ablilities) n Isolation, angular sep., muon inside jet, CFT track match(P T, ,  ) u Muon candidates sent to Global and Muon Level 3 for unpacking u Global can select and correlate different L2 objects and confront them with L2 trigger menu. u Global L2 is the first instance of complete event accessibility.

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas Level 3 Filtering  Level 3 (L3) will access the muon system and other subdetectors (CFT, SMT, Cal,...) to find muon candidates u Total L3 bandwidth ~50Hz to Tape u Time budget of 1ms  L3 will: u Muon Tracking n Fits all hits w/drift distance n Uses best fit, better P and track counting u Muon Scintillator n Good TOF(  t  1-2ns),correlate A and C times, fit for velocity, separate muons from low  cosmics, look at opposite sides u Calorimeter n Track like object n Isolation independent z-vertex,  z vtx  20cm

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas Level 3 Filtering u CFT n 3D matching,  z vtx  1cm u SMT n Primary vertex  z vtx  cm, secd vtx  Trigger decisions are made by Filters, Filters obtain info from tools, ScriptRunner runs Filters.

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas Detector Coverage  Forward: Efficiency vs.  and   Central: Efficiency vs.  and 

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas Detector Overview  Detector Thickness u Calorimeter n Varies between 5-9 interaction lengths n E min =1.6 GeV for muon exit u Iron n Varies between 7-9 interaction lengths n E min =3.3 GeV for muon exit

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas Current Online/DAQ  Detector Readout - East Side Central Muon u 2 PDT front-end crates (B&C-layer) u 2 SCINT front-end crates (A&C-layer)  Triggering on cosmics  Collecting data(L1 trigger,L2,L3- format) writing to disk u Plugged into Trigger Framework  Using PDT wire hit frequency and raw data for commissioning and testing FE electronics  Data format looks okay  Need to readout more crates  Data is read offline by EXAMINE

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas EXAMINE Data  Run 691 (C and Aphi counters)

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas Offline Muon ID  Muon ID tools u Trigger Info n Momentum at different trigger levels? u Global track fit u Probability of missing A,B,C layers u Tracking-based isolation u Muon reconstruction in Calorimeter u Matching scintillator times, track velcity  Current Muon ID u Segment reconstruction in/out toroid u Fit track in muon system (Saclay alg) n Fit track through calorimeter and toroid taking into account MCS and Energy loss u Match CT and A-layer segment n P T >1.5 GeV u Muon Particle results from successful fit n no muons <2 hits in A-layer u Muon Particle parms = CT parameters u Tracking-based isolation

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas Check of Muon System Performance  Detector u Efficiency n # of hits in tracks and clusters u Thresholds n MDTs,PDTs, and Scintillators u Operation of calibration system u Operation of electronics  Trigger u Rejection rates n Will see this w/trigger monitor (data) u Efficiencies n Compare simulation w/real data  Reconstruction u Measures peaks u Efficiencies n Compare with known cross sections: W and Z’s, J/ , etc... u Muon ID Cuts n Define quality cuts

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas Offline Reconstruction  Muon Momentum Reconstruction u Wamus, Famus: results of single track studies u Central tracking: Using mass resolution for dimuon resonances n  (M  ) = 3.5 GeV at Z, =1.1 n  (M  ) = 2.8 GeV at Z, =0 n  (M  ) = 45 MeV at J/ , =1.1

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas Offline Reconstruction  Muon Reconstruction Efficiency u Current min. Requirement for Muon ID (loose muon): A-layer segment matched a w/CT track n Acceptance for A-layer segment |  |<2 is 80% n CT acceptance |  |<2 is ~88% u Reconstruction efficiency per loose muon is defined as the ratio of the # of reconstructed muons(MC confirmed) to all accepted trajectories n Z->  : 96% n J/  ->  : 92% n Z -> bb : 95% n Note: MC muons at P T >1.5 GeV, |  |<2 (yellow), reconstructed muons with MC confirmation (green)

22 June 2000 D  NIU Workshop S. Doulas Summary