CMS 2014 CEHRT Flexibility JoAnne Hawkins Meaningful Use Sr. Healthcare Policy Analyst DNC (Contractor) for Indian Health Service
2014 CEHRT Flexibility Rule Certified EHR Flexibility Demonstration of MU Performance Measures & Clinical Quality Measures AIU Stage 3 Delay
Certified EHR Flexibility 2011 CEHRT EPs and EHs can utilize 2011 CEHRT to demonstrate MU in FY/CY 2014 by meeting Stage 1, 2013 performance measures and CQMs and 2014 Combined CEHRT EPs and EHs can utilize a combination of 2011 and 2014 CEHRT to demonstrate MU with either Stage 1, 2013 performance measures and CQMs or Stage 1, CEHRT EPs and EHs can utilize 2014 CEHRT to demonstrate MU in FY/CY 2014 by meeting either Stage 1, 2014 or Stage 2 performance measures and CQMs.
2014 Participation options If EP/EH was scheduled to demonstrate: 2011 CEHRT Combination of 2011 & 2014 CEHRT 2014 CEHRT Stage 1Stage 1, 2013 Or Stage 1, 2014 Stage 2Stage 1, 2013 Or Stage 1, 2014* Or Stage 2 Stage 1, 2014* Or Stage 2 * If EP/EH unable to fully implement 2014 CEHRT
Demonstrating MU - EP Eligible Professionals Stage 1, 2013Stage 1, 2014Stage 2 13 Core Objectives 17 Core Objectives 5 of 10 Menu Set5 of 9 Menu Set3 of 6 Menu Objectives CQMs 3 core/alternate core 3 additional measures 9 CQMS (3 across 6 domains) 9 CQMs (3 across 6 domains)
Demonstrating MU - EH Eligible Hospitals Stage 1, 2013Stage 1, 2014Stage 2 12 Core Objectives11 Core Objectives16 Core Objectives 5 of 10 Menu Set 3 of 6 Menu Objectives 15 CQMs 16 CQMs (3 across 6 domains)
Reports Performance Measure Reports Stage 1, 2013 Report Updates APCM v1.0 p4 CPOE Patient Reminders Clinical Quality Measures Clinical Reporting System (CRS), Version 14.1 Patch 1, (RPMS namespace: BGP) Allows reporting for user defined date range
AIU AIU can only be for Adopting, Implementing or Upgrading to 2014 CEHRT.
Certification Status Infogard certified 2014 RPMS EHR (BCER v2.0) on August 22 nd Certification numbers Ambulatory: 1314E01PJHPUEAL Inpatient: 1314E01PJHPQEA1 Posted on CHPL:
Stage 3 delay Stage 3 will be delayed until FY/CY 2017 First Payment Year Stage of Meaningful Use or 2*2233TBD or 2*2233TBD *2233TBD *12233TBD TBD
Timeline considerations Eligible Hospitals FY 14FY 15 Oct-13Nov-13Dec-13Jan-14Feb-14Mar-14Apr-14May-14Jun-14Jul-14Aug-14Sep-14Oct-14Nov-14Dec-14Jan-15 Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q CEHRT10/ CEHRT Eligible Professionals CY 14CY 15 Jan-14Feb-14Mar-14Apr-14May-14Jun-14Jul-14Aug-14Sep-14Oct-14Nov-14Dec-14Jan-15 Q 1Q 2Q 3Q4Q CEHRT1/ CEHRT
IHS MU Contact Information ContactTitle Phone Chris LamerMU Project Lead, Luther AlexanderMU Project Manager, JoAnne Hawkins MU Healthcare Policy Analyst, DNC , ext Lisa Meadows MU Natl. Consultant, DNC (OK, NAS, ABER, BEM) , ext Valerie Villanueva MU Natl. Consultant, DNC (NAV, PHX, TUC, ABQ) , ext Amy Padilla MU Natl. Consultant, DNC (CA, POR, AK, BIL) , ext Coleen Maddy MU Communications Specialist, DNC , ext
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