Moodle Introduction Celebrating Technology in Action
More than you imagine Presenter /Tom Kramer, Workforce Development Unit
More than you imagine Topics /What is an LMS? What is a Moodle? /Creating and managing a Moodle /Using Moodle /Examples; Education and Moodle
More than you imagine What is Moodle? The word Moodle was originally an acronym for: Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. It is a LMS - Learning Management System Simply – enhances teaching and learning box of tools in a simple, intuitive and customisable platform. For - Interacting, assessing, informing and recording
More than you imagine Source: Accessed: 12 MAY 2011
More than you imagine Logging on and creating a Moodle OR SI Moodle into your search engine (Google) Use your DET Portal ID
More than you imagine Navigating Moodle /Breadcrumbs /People and your Profile /News and upcoming events /My courses /Activities
More than you imagine Uses in Education /Repository /Equella /Resources network /Assessments /Quizzes /Embedding videos and other multi-media
More than you imagine Building Interactivity /Forum / and messaging /Wikis /Blogs