Learning Sciences The CTL for the 21 st Century Faculty Dev & Learning Design Faculty Dev & Learning Design Research, Evaluation & Learning Analytics Learning Tools Learning Technology Architecture Learning Technology Architecture Project Mgmt Project Mgmt
Canvas by Instructure is the University of Texas at Austin’s primary Learning Management System (LMS). The Curriculum Innovation Grantees are faculty enhancing the quality of student learning experiences and developing local expertise in priority areas within colleges & departments across UT. Learning Sciences supports UT Austin’s 9 MOOCs on edX.
Dedicated teachers nominated by their peers and supported by the Office of the Provost mentor other faculty leading learning communities and improve their own craft through chartered initiatives. Becoming a College Teacher In collaboration with UT’s academic departments and graduate student support organizations, the Graduate Student Initiative, provides opportunities to advance graduate students’ pedagogical, academic, and professional progress.
Learning Analytics Evaluation Adaptive Learning
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To this…. coming soon! How can Learning Sciences help you? Take a look at what we’re working on. UT Faculty creating a culture of innovation The latest in teaching, learning and innovation Join us at the next Learning Sciences vent learningsciences.utexas.edu
Thank you Phil Long, PhD Deputy Director Associate Vice Provost for Learning Sciences Phone: (512) Office: SZB 450V Contact for Canvas Support 24x7 Phone Support with Canvas (select #1 Faculty, #1 Canvas LMS) Pedagogical Support: Appointments: Contact for Faculty Support: Josh Walker, Ph. D. Phone: Karron Lewis, Ph.D. Phone: Contact for Graduate Students: Molly Hatcher, Ph.D., Phone: