Bucovina - a place where paradise is not lost yet...
Inno Natour, Suceava Popas Turistic Bucovina Inno Natour, Suceava Popas Turistic Bucovina Elena Zamcu USV
Location and business address Telephone, fax +40 (0) Telephone, fax +40 (0) Address: Sucevita no. 330, Suceava County - Romania Address: Sucevita no. 330, Suceava County - Romania
About Popas Turistic Bucovina 20 years ago two partners start an ambitious business in tourism. Now, quality and professionalism of the entire staff can ensure for everyone a comfortable place in the heart of Bucovina. “It’s a family business, wasn’t easy but what make us special is our heart!” (Marketing manager)
Services Touristic complex of 3*** and 4**** Holiday village Holiday village Camping caravans Camping caravans Restaurant with 400 seats Restaurant with 400 seats Open terraces Open terraces 2 conference rooms ( projection screen, flipchart,video, Wireless Internet access) 2 conference rooms ( projection screen, flipchart,video, Wireless Internet access)
Activities Memorable trip with vintage train Memorable trip with vintage train Hunting and fishing Hunting and fishing Rafting and river raft Rafting and river raft Riding horses, bike rides Riding horses, bike rides Playing tennis Playing tennis Ski slope (300 m) Ski slope (300 m) Live music Live music
Because a photo can say more that a 1000 words…