Bell Ringer 2/17 What creation stories, other than the one we read in Genesis, are familiar to you? Have you seen a movie dealing with creation (can be Sci-Fi)? What are the commonalities and differences between it and the account in the Holy Bible? What creation stories, other than the one we read in Genesis, are familiar to you? Have you seen a movie dealing with creation (can be Sci-Fi)? What are the commonalities and differences between it and the account in the Holy Bible?
Exploring Archetypes Genesis vs. The Epic of Gilgamesh
Questions to Ponder Which element of an archetypal setting is in this passage from Genesis: “God made the expanse, and it separated the water which was below the expanse from the water which was above the expanse”? Which element of an archetypal setting is in this passage from Genesis: “God made the expanse, and it separated the water which was below the expanse from the water which was above the expanse”? Which aspect of an archetypal setting is shown in the Genesis description of the Garden of Eden? Which aspect of an archetypal setting is shown in the Genesis description of the Garden of Eden?
More Questions….. What is the archetypal setting for Eve's taking and eating the fruit in Genesis, Chapter 3? What is the archetypal setting for Eve's taking and eating the fruit in Genesis, Chapter 3? Which archetypal setting is shown when the Great Flood ends in Chapters 6–9 of Genesis? Which archetypal setting is shown when the Great Flood ends in Chapters 6–9 of Genesis?
Questions to Ponder Which aspect of ancient Sumerian culture is evident in The Epic of Gilgamesh? Which aspect of ancient Sumerian culture is evident in The Epic of Gilgamesh? What is the main goal of Gilgamesh's heroic quest? What is the main goal of Gilgamesh's heroic quest? Gilgamesh says he has “gained nothing” at the end of the excerpt. Why? Gilgamesh says he has “gained nothing” at the end of the excerpt. Why?
Tying it all together: What ideas and values were important to the ancient Sumerians? What ideas and values were important to the ancient Sumerians? What did they expect of their rulers and heroes? What did they expect of their rulers and heroes? How did they expect people to treat one another and conduct themselves in their daily lives? How did they expect people to treat one another and conduct themselves in their daily lives? How are these beliefs/expectations similar/difference from those presented in the Old Testament, Genesis? How are these beliefs/expectations similar/difference from those presented in the Old Testament, Genesis?
Conclusions Important beliefs to both: Important beliefs to both: –animal sacrifice –belief in one god –belief in many gods –faith in peace