Living in Perfection Roles, Responsibilities, Relationships Genesis 2:8 ‑ 22.


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Presentation transcript:

Living in Perfection Roles, Responsibilities, Relationships Genesis 2:8 ‑ 22

What would it be like to have a perfect world? Can you imagine having the perfect environment? Can you imagine having each crop produce to its fullest capability? Roles, relationship, responsibilities

I. Habitation of unfallen man 8 ‑ 20—Perfect Environment

A. The Whole world under man's dominion 8 ‑ 9 Eden became his home Two particular trees planted in the garden Tree of Life Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil

Description of the land 2:10 ‑ 14 Eden must have required a large amount of water 4 rivers flowed from the water reservoir in Eden

God gave us the greatest gift right to choose Perfect Environment Choice 15 ‑ 17 Every reason to obey No excuse for disobedience Incentive to not disobey

II. Method of creation of woman 18 ‑ 22 According to all fossil evidence, Man has always been man, Ape has always been ape v. 18 ‑‑ Not good ‑‑ God made a helper for man Genesis 2:18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” ESV

B. Making of the woman 18 ‑ 22 Inspect all animals 18 ‑ 19 Adam was incomplete 20

Adam experienced loneliness God let Adam see His need Creation of Eve is not as expected

Eve created from Adam's side Not head ‑‑ suggesting superiority Not feet ‑‑ suggesting inferiority SIDE indicating equality and companionship

III. Practical Social order

Truths in Genesis are foundational. Life and rest of Bible These are for our Good Perfect environment

Ephesians 5: And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, … 21 submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. ESV

Husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the Church

Wife—she is the helper fit for Him God created the woman to be the helper This is not degrading as some would say. Who else is called the helper Equal in essence—

God created man to have a perfect environment What happened? Perfection only comes in Christ God is concerned about giving us His best

1 John 4:14 ESV And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.