Lucifer What does the Bible say?.


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Presentation transcript:

Lucifer What does the Bible say?

Theological Error “There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe and then feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.” – CS Lewis Quoted by Oz Guiness in “The Dust of Death”

Satan is/is not: A terrifying beast A red-pajama devil A bedtime story Your worse nightmare… The Bible Says: 2 Cor. 11:14-15 “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.”

Who Cares? A Christian must care: A non-Christian will care: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephes. 6:12 A non-Christian will care: “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” 1 John 5:19

The Reality of the Devil Amazing…Xians Don’t Believe! Or, live as though…NAIVE 140 vs. in NT. =Major Doctrine! Believe fiercely in God! ~ Satan? 2 Kings 6: Elijah - Assyrian King - BIG army! Humor Spiritual Beings w/o Bodies; Bodies w/o Spirits; Bodies w/ Spirits; AP: ATHEIST: Problm = believe in Spiritual Realm Period Roulette? Naïve 2Day; “Interesting Religions” IL: Tarot Jen, Oiji Boards, Palm Readers… “So Interesting, Power, Nice Forces” (U Sure?) Naïve! U Dominate Satan?! Evil disguises itself. Evil Beings! Dangerous! Roadmap? Discernment? Evil Exists? Source = God? Concl: ~Afford 2b Naïve; IL: Eric Schoofs =good Heart… 140+ verses in NT! 2 Kings 6:8ff Spiritual Beings without Bodies... Spiritual Roulette? There are evil spiritual beings. Does evil exist in the world? God’s Fault?

Satan’s Background: a Beautiful Creature v.12 Beautiful v.13 in Eden v.14 “Annointed Cherub who covers” meaning “High in authority” v.15 Blameless

Satan’s Background: A Cherub 2 Kinds of angels: Cherubim, Seraphim Seraphim: means “Fiery Ones” Fairly powerful. Isaiah 6:1-5. Cherubim: part human, part animal in appearance Means "To bless, adore“. Gen.3:24; Ex.25:20; 26:1,31; Numb.7:89; Ez.1:4-12; 10:7-22; 1Chron.28:18; Ps.18:10. Cherubim have greater authority -- Gen.3:24 turning every direction (consistant description...) -- Ex.25:20; 26:1,31; Numb.7:89 Used in temple, arc designs -- Ez.1: bearing the throne of God -- Descriptions: * Ez.1:5-11; 10:7-22 Cloven hoves, wings, wheels for movement * Fred Flinstone image; -- 1Chron.28:18 called chariots * Ps.18:10 God rides them

Satan’s Background: The Rebellion Ez. 28:15-17 “…Unrighteousness was found in you…Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; You corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor.” Is. 14:12-15 “I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God and I will make myself like the Most High;” Rev. 12:4 One third of angels joined in. There’s lots of angels: Heb.12:33; Mat. 18:10 Disciplined, heirarchy: Eph.6:10 LOTS OF angels: we”re outnumbered

Implications Have a “Charismatic Viewpoint” 2 Cor.2:11 All Believers Called To Engage in Spiritual Warfare Mt.16:18 Offensive 2Cor.10:3ff: Fortresses; also 2Cor.4:4. Implications Endure Hardship 2Tim.2:3 Decisiveness 1Pet.4:1 > Have a "Charismatic View" (ie., awareness of spiritual realm) -Paul Did 2 Cor. 2:11  - Enemy at a disadvantage 1Jn.4:4=power Eph.6=better weapons - Only will claim or use these if we are aware, however Bible calls ALL believers To engage in Spiritual Warfare   > Mt.16:18 Christ is waging an offensive battle - No choice: Only choice is wether to be a casualty or not > 2Cor.10:3ff: fortresses (Ideological death struggle) - 2Cor.4:4 holding men's minds captive > 2Tim.2:3 Reasonable request: endure hardship - Most Xians don't believe it; ILL: sleepy institutional church - Country Clubbers, Health Spa, Barracks \ ILL: Stock Market, water- beds - What will convince us? Satan appearing? He won't. > 1Pet.4:1 Decisiveness \ ILL: Black Arm band ("death" attit=dangerous) - World knows how to fight; why don't Xians? (Xians are wimps) * Xians are wimps in America ILL: AIM Missinaries 2yrs life cf w/ Luxurious Churches Today * Wimpishness not tolerated Heb.12:4 Mark deserted Paul ILL: People not comming to meetings because of resistance * Desertion=death penalty (ILL: Cell Leader) Xians excuse * Collaboration=death (ILL: Comprimised Xain) " "  * Asleep on watch=death (ILL: Failed assignments on 1stimers) * Wounding fellow soldier: (ILL: backbiting in HC, blasting) * Self-inflicted wound (ILL: missing meetings, making others patch him up) * Rebellion, division in ranks: thus why unity important Instit. Church not at war; can afford gossip, slander - Yet: Distinguish btwn. rear & front line warriors * Nothing worse than someone claiming to be a worker, but doesnt * The weak, young, sinful to the rear! * Hold front liners accountable; recognize their position in body of Christ.

Satan’s Defeat: The Cross Col. 2:15 “When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Christ.” Col. 1:13-14 “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” 1 John 4:4 “Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.”