Introduction to Genesis
Title Bereshith is the Hebrew title. – It means “in beginning” – The English title, Genesis, comes from the Greek work geneseos which means “birth”, “genealogy”, or “history of origin.” So Genesis means Beginning. What was Genesis the beginning of?
Purpose To Record God’s creation of the world. To show God’s desire to have a people set apart to worship him. To reveal how the sin of man is met by the forgiveness of God.
Author Genesis does not directly name its author. Jesus and the writers of Scripture believed that Moses was the author of the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible, also called “the Law”)
Date Written Genesis spans more time than any other book in the Bible. In fact, it covers more than all the other 65 books of the Bible put together (approximately 2400 years) B.C.
Setting The region presently known as the Middle East The setting of Genesis divides neatly into three geographical areas: (1) The Fertile Crescent, 1-11; (2) Israel, 12-36; and (3) Egypt,
Key People Adam Eve Noah Abraham Sarah Isaac Rebekah Jacob Joseph
Beginnings Beginnings of the World: The Story of Creation -Beginnings of Life -Beginnings of Mankind Beginnings of Sin -Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden -Cain & Abel Beginnings of the nation of Israel -Abraham- Father of the nation, makes covenant with God -Isaac- The promised son of Abraham -Jacob- Name changed to Israel, his 12 sons become the 12 tribes of Israel -Judah- Carries the line of Christ -Joseph- Carries the blessing, saved the nation by getting them to Egypt -Levi- The priests Beginning's of God's solution (God's promise through Jesus)