3 TYPES OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS TRADITIONAL SUBSISTENCE Poorest Make items for self and family MARKET Free Enterprise: People choose what they want to buy & sell Capitalism—private ownership of all items Specialization of labor—each does a small part to make entire product; more efficient; cheaper to make COMMAND Government decides what to produce
ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES NEEDS: Products and resources Technology, transportation & communication LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT MEASURED BY: 1-GDP Total value of all goods & services produced in a country in a year 2-GDP PER CAPITA—divide GDP by # of people Gives an idea of standard of living—how well people live examples
MEASURING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTINUED 3-INDUSTRIALIZATION Includes transportation 7 communication 4-STANDARD OF LIVING Income levels, education, health care, life expectancy, literacy rate
2 TYPES OF NATIONS DEVELOPED Richest-high gdp Most industrialized Highest standard of living & health care Education rates good Most work in cities Birth rate/death rate low Good infrastructure Roads, rr, bridges DEVELOPING Poor Low gdp Poor health care, education MIDDLE INCOME Some modern, some rural & poor Switching from industry
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1-HUNTING & GATHERING SOCIETIES Little food----low population—mobile 2-AGRICULTURE Domesticate (tame) plants & animals More food----more people Settle in one place SW Asia 3-URBANIZATION Farms productive—so people do other jobs Merchants/traders Government larger Increased trade---more cultural diffusion Growth of cities Near key resources—water, oil, rivers, lakes, ports Trade routes Easily defended
Patterns in the size & distribution of cities Hierarchy of urban areas Central place theory
Cities & Problems Cities—usually have: Central business district Factories & warehouses need more land Outside of the cities—edge cities Buildings & businesses away from business district Outer edge—suburbs Problems Housing, transportation, pollution, crime
RURAL GEOGRAPHY TYPES OF AGRICULTURE 1-SUBSISTENCE poorest 2-SHIFTING/SLASH & BURN Rainforest areas 3-PASTORALISM Herd animals 4-MARKET ORIENTED/COMMERCIAL AGRIC. Uses technology & fertilizers Sell crop for a profit Owned by corporations
POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY BOUNDARIES NATURAL Moutains, rivers Problems? CULTURAL Usually language or religion Problems? GEOMETRIC Straight line/latitude or longitude Problems?
POLITICAL CONFLICTS NATIONALISM Pride in your country Extreme nationalism can cause problems Examples? TOTALITARIANISM Government has total control over people & things Examples? DEMOCRACY People have power in the vote/voice to change government Conflict and Changes in Government ISSUES 1-terrorism 2-economic problems tariffs quotas 3-international cooperation