Created by: Lisa Sydeski Thomas Jefferson High School Pittsburgh, PA
Roman Catholic Church—influential, extravagant, and worldly Some people felt church straying from spiritual roots Concerns crystallized into the Protestant Reformation Financial corruption, abuse of power, immorality People’s respect for priests, monks, popes weakened Heavy taxation also caused discontent Dissatisfaction Pope Leo X approved sale of indulgences Needed money for St. Peter’s Basilica Indulgences, pardons reduced a soul’s time in purgatory Financing Basilica Catholics believed dead went to purgatory, worked off sins committed Sale of indulgences widely criticized Government separate from the church Working Off Sins
From Bohemia, Jan Hus preached against immorality and worldliness of Catholic Church Excommunicated by Pope Gregory XII; later arrested, tried for heresy and burned at stake These influential theologians openly criticized church Beginnings of discussions that eventually led to reform Jan Hus Two men stepped forward to challenge the church Englishman believed church should give up earthly possessions His views unpopular with church officials Was removed from teaching position John Wycliffe
( ) – Independent of Luther Zurich – Switzerland RCC – built on superstition & human tradition Christian Life rested in Scriptures Attacked indulgences, monasticism, celibacy Reduced sacraments from 7 to 2 Lord’s Supper – a memorial, no change Rejected the Papal office
Started in Switzerland England = Puritans Scotland = Presbyterians Holland = Dutch Reform France = Huguenots Germany = Reform Church
Lawyer France Institutes of Christian Religion (1536) Influence by Luther More radical than Luther “God, by a sudden conversion, subdued and brought my mind to a teachable frame?
T – Total depravity U – Unconditional election L – Limited atonement I – Irresistible grace P – Perseverance of the saints
Predestination – absolute omnipotence of God Elect – salvation not by choice – pre-decided by God Geneva – Switzerland - “city of the saints” Not a theology of fatalism “but an energizing dynamic force” Regulative Principle – unless in scriptures cannot be done
Protestant hard-work ethic Leisure time = sin Hard work to keep one’s self from sin Pleasing to God Max Weber The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Worldly success, wealth = sign of election? Calvinism most dynamic force in the 16 th 17 th Centuries
John Knox (1505?-1572) Scotland – Presbyterian Henry VIII – ( ) English Reformation
B B – brotherhood of believers A A – adult baptism S S - separation of Church and State I I – in the world but not of it N N – nonviolent resistance