Subject : English Year/Smt: IX / 1 Standard Competence : Reading 5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Writing 6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Basic Competence: 5.3. Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report 6.2. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report
ACTIVITY 1 Look at the pictures below and tell your friend how to do the activities. Make a cup of tea Send an
Turn off a computer Make omelette
Activity 2 Read the following recipe carefully. VANILLA DROPS COOKIESIngredients: 1 ½ cups all purpose flour 2 eggs ¼ teaspoons baking powder 1 cup sugar ¼ teaspoons vanilla extract
Directions: Combine flour and baking powder, set aside. Beat eggs, sugar, and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl until light- coloured. Stir in the flour and baking powder mixture. Drop the batter by teaspoonfuls about 2 inches apart onto a greased and floured baking sheet. Set aside in a room temperature for 6 hours. Bake at 350°F for 6 minutes. Remove from baking sheet to a wire rack to cool.
Activity 3 Answer the following questions based on the recipe. 1. What does the recipe tell about? 2. What are the ingredients? 3. How many steps you have to do to make the cookies? 4. How many eggs do you need? 5. How long you should bake the batter?
Vocabulary Items Find their meaning in your dictionary Teaspoon Combine Mixture Batter Greased Bake Beat Flour / ˈ ti ː.spu ː n/ /k ə m ˈ ba ɪ n/ / ˈ m ɪ ks.t ʃ ə r / / ˈ bæt. ə r / /gri ː s/ /be ɪ k/ /bi ː t /fla ʊ ə r /
What is procedure text? Procedure text is a text that gives us instruction for doing something. The purpose of procedure text is to explain how something can be done. Procedure text is a text that gives us instruction for doing something. The purpose of procedure text is to explain how something can be done.
Language features The use of commands (i.e. the imperative form of the verb), e.g. ‘put’, ‘add’,’ mix’; etc. The use of action verbs, e.g. ‘combine’, ‘stir, ‘bakes’, etc. The use of precise vocabulary, e.g. ‘whisk’, etc. The use of connectives to sequence the actions in time, e.g. ‘then’, ‘while’; etc The use of adverbs to tell how the action should be done, e.g. ‘slowly’, ‘carefully’, Language features The use of commands (i.e. the imperative form of the verb), e.g. ‘put’, ‘add’,’ mix’; etc. The use of action verbs, e.g. ‘combine’, ‘stir, ‘bakes’, etc. The use of precise vocabulary, e.g. ‘whisk’, etc. The use of connectives to sequence the actions in time, e.g. ‘then’, ‘while’; etc The use of adverbs to tell how the action should be done, e.g. ‘slowly’, ‘carefully’, Generic structure What is going to be made or done (goal or aim), e.g.: how to make vanilla drops cookies Things needed to achieve the goal (ingredients, materials, equipment), e.g.: 1 ½ cups flour 2 eggs, 1 cup sugar The way how to achieve the goal (steps or instruction), e.g.: Combine flour and baking powder, set aside; beat eggs, sugar, and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl, etc Generic structure What is going to be made or done (goal or aim), e.g.: how to make vanilla drops cookies Things needed to achieve the goal (ingredients, materials, equipment), e.g.: 1 ½ cups flour 2 eggs, 1 cup sugar The way how to achieve the goal (steps or instruction), e.g.: Combine flour and baking powder, set aside; beat eggs, sugar, and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl, etc
GRAMMAR FOCUS Study the sentences below. Cut the avocado into small pieces. Put ice cubes into the glass. Add the sliced avocado. Fill ½ of the glass with some coconut water Combine flour and baking powder The underline words in those sentences are called Action Verb. An action verb is a word that describes an action.
Activity 4 Make sentences using action verbs based on the pictures below. Example: He shakes the milk. Picture 1
Picture 2 Picture 3
Picture 4 Picture 5
Activity 5 Work in group of five. Then, choose one of the recipes below and arrange it into a good procedure Crispy Shrimp Homemade Candy LEMONADE
Ingredients: Powdered sugar 1 c. water 1 c. granulated sugar 1 c. light corn syrup 1/2 tsp. peppermint oil or other flavour Directions:. Rinse juice from lemons into a bowl. Set lemon rinds aside. Put lemon juice into a large pitcher. Add sugar and ice water; stir until sugar is dissolved. Set aside. Place lemon rinds in a bowl and add boiling water. Let stand until water is cold.
Ingredients: 6 lemons 1 cup of sugar 8 cups of iced water 1 cup of boiling water Ingredients: 100 gram shrimp 15 gram garlic 100 gram flour 1 egg Salt, pepper A cup of water Frying oil Sauce: Tomato sauce Salt, sugar Lime
Steps : First clean the shrimps, remove the heads, and keep the tails. Clean the garlic, and slice it thinly and then sprinkle over the shrimps After that, make a mix of the flour and egg, with enough water, salt, and pepper. Finally put the shrimps on a plate and pour tomato sauce over them To make the tomato sauce, heat the tomato sauce, and add the sugar and lime juice in it. Sweet, sour, and crispy shrimps are ready to serve Heat oil on a pan. Then, one by one, put the shrimps into the pan by first dipping it in the mix above. Fry the shrimps until golden
Steps: sprinkle a thick coat of powdered sugar on a cookie sheet Cook over medium-high heat until the hard- crack stage, and then dip into cold water Remove from heat combine the granulated sugar, light corn syrup Add the peppermint oil or other flavour, stir well
Activity 6 Write a simple procedure about how to make a potato chip sandwich. Use the pictures provided to help you develop your idea.