Percentages As Decimals. 67% = % = % = % = 0.89
From Percentage To Decimal. To turn any percentage into a decimal look at the following: 66% = To divide by 100 move the point 2 places to the left. =0.66 Now change the percentages below to decimals. (a)87%= = % = =0.24(b) (c) 12% = =0.12 (d)4 % = =0.04
Finding A Percentage Using A Decimal. We are now going to use decimals to calculate the following percentages. (a) Calculate 47% of £670 Solution 47% of £670 = The word “of” in maths means “multiply”. 47% x £670 = Change 47% to a decimal x £670 = Now calculate the sum. £314.90
(b) Calculate 7% of 2345 people. Solution 7% of 2345 = The word “of” in maths means “multiply”. 7% x 2345 = Change 7% to a decimal x 2345 = Now calculate the sum rounded to the nearest person.
(c) In a sale 12½% is taken off a ski jacket whose normal price is £145. Find the sale price. Solution 12½% of 145 = 12½% x 145 = x 145 =£ £18.13 rounded to the nearest 1 pence. Cost of ski jacket: £145 - £18.13 = £126.87
Making Calculations Faster. In the last problem 12½ % was taken off the price. What percentage of the price did the customer pay? 100 – 12½ =87½ % Now calculate 87½% of £ x £145 =£ £ rounded to the nearest 1p. Why is there 1p difference in price?
What Goes In The Box? Calculate: (1) 45% of 325 days. (2) 86% of 4567 girls. (3) 19% of 674 fish. (4) The sale price of a dress at £245 with 17% off. (5) The sale price of a car at £5670 with 25½% off x 325 = 146 days 0.86 x 4567 = 3928 girls x 674 = 128 fish x 245 = £ x 5670 = £