Paul Desanker Financial and Technical Support UNFCCC secretariat Framework for Capacity- building in Developing Countries Expert Workshop.


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Presentation transcript:

Paul Desanker Financial and Technical Support UNFCCC secretariat Framework for Capacity- building in Developing Countries Expert Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluating Capacity Building in Developing Countries Antigua, 5-6 November, 2007

Outline Introduce the CB framework and present progress to date Objectives of the Workshop Expected Outcomes

Framework | Objective of CB Decision 2/CP.7: Capacity building should assist developing countries to build, develop, strengthen, enhance, and improve their capabilities to achieve the objective of the Convention through the implementation of the provisions of the Convention and the preparation for their effective participation in the Kyoto Protocol process.

Framework | Guiding principles Build on work already undertaken Promote SD and contribute to the effective implementation of the Convention and the preparation for participation in the Kyoto Protocol Be country-driven, address specific needs and conditions, be consistent with their national sustainable development strategies, reflect national initiatives and national priorities Continuous process, based on priorities of developing countries Maximize synergies between environmental agreements Be undertaken in an effective, efficient, integrated and programmatic manner, taking into account specific national circumstances Take into account special circumstances of LDCs and SIDS Mobilize existing national, subregional and regional institutions and private sector in developing countries and build on existing processes

Framework | Scope of priority areas 9.Research and systematic observation 10.Development and transfer of technology 11.Decision-making and participation in international negotiations 12.CDM 13.Article 4.8 and 4.9 (LDC Work Programme, NAPA) 14.Education, training and public awareness 15.Information and networking 1.Institutional CB (National Focal Point) 2.Enabling environment 3.National Communications 4.National climate change programmes 5.GHG inventories 6.Vulnerability and adaptation assessment 7.CB for implementation of adaptation measures 8.Assessment for implementation of mitigation options

Framework | Comprehensive reviews (evaluation)  Annual monitoring of implementation through submissions and synthesis of national reports  Comprehensive reviews every 5 years (next to start in May 2008)  Based mainly on information provided by Parties in their national communications, submissions and other reports (both Annex II on what they are supporting, and NAI on what they are receiving and assessment of effectiveness of activities implemented)  Outcomes of the 1 st comprehensive review at COP 10:  While some progress made, major gaps exist, and access to financial resources remains an issue  Identified key factors on institutions, funding and approaches

Brief primer … (for the experts) The Subsidiary Bodies under the Convention (SB’s) meet twice a year (May/June and Nov/Dec) SBI = Subsidiary Body for Implementation The Conference of Parties (COP) and conference of Parties meeting of Parties to the KP (CMP), meet once a year, jointly with the second SB session Next sessions in Bali Dec 2007 will be SB 27; COP 13, CMP 3 So, COP 7 was in 2001 … COP 12/CMP 2 in 2006 last year

Framework | Review process (monitoring steps)  COP 7 (2001)  Elaboration of CB framework first step in the Monitoring  Regular monitoring, using information from National Communications, reports of the secretariat, GEF and other agencies  Comprehensive review at COP 10  SBI 18  Submissions on comprehensive review  TOR for review  SBI 19 / COP 9 (Milan, 200  Paper with analysis of the implementation of the Framework  Request for technical paper, based on TOR for review  Request for technical meeting  SBI 20  Technical paper on range and effectiveness of CB  Meeting of CB practitioners, Dec 2004, Buenos Aires, Argentina at COP 10  Completion of the review  SBI 25 (Nov 2006, COP 12/CMP 2)  Steps on regular monitoring (decisions 4/CP.12, 6/CMP.2)  Mandate for this workshop

Framework | Workshop Objectives COP 12 decision in 2006 requested the secretariat to organize an expert workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of CB before COP 13 with the following objectives: (a)To exchange views on experiences in M&E of capacity-building by Parties, and where relevant, multilateral, bilateral agencies as well as intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (b)To discuss the work of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) with regard to the development of capacity-building performance indicators relevant for monitoring the implementation of the capacity-building framework

Framework | Workshop Objectives SBI 26 developed terms of reference for the workshop, and agreed that the workshop would consist of presentations and discussions on the following: a)Experiences of Parties b)Experiences of relevant multilateral and bilateral agencies, and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations c)Efforts by the GEF and its implementing agencies to monitor and evaluate capacity-building activities, and develop and apply performance indicators relevant to monitoring and evaluation d)Lessons learned from proven approaches to monitoring and evaluation

Framework | Expected Results  Discussions to help inform the SBI discussions on CB - a workshop report that will be presented at SBI 27 in December 2007 (COP 13/CMP 3)  Reactions on the results of the evaluation of CB that was carried out by the GEF Evaluation Office, and the draft M&E framework to be presented by the GEF (GEF/UNDP/UNEP Global Support Programme)

Framework | Overview of agenda TODAY  Session I: Setting the scene  Background  Panel discussion of CB in different regions  Session II: Monitoring  Presentations  General discussion on monitoring  Welcome cocktail TOMORROW  Session III: Evaluation  3 different approaches/processes by UNEP, GEF EO, GEF&Ias  Session IV: Enhancing CB through M&E: breakout groups  Session IV: Perspectives on a way forward Other DSA payments target: finish tomorrow morning at 10 am