SAP AG 2007 Goods Receipts and Goods Issues Stock Transfers Contents: Inventory Transactions
SAP AG 2007 Post miscellaneous 雜項 goods movements 貨物移 動 Transfer items from one warehouse to another At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Inventory Transactions: Unit Objectives
SAP AG 2007 Goods Receipts and Goods Issues: Topic Objectives Post goods receipts without reference to a purchase order Post an initial entry of stock balances 庫存餘額 Enter goods issues 發貨 that do not refer to a specific customer delivery Explain how goods movements are assessed and accounts determined At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:
SAP AG 2007 Stock Movements Overview Warehouse Goods Receipts PO/ Goods Returns from Purchasing Functions Delivery/ Returns from Sales Functions Goods ReceiptsGoods Issues Remove Components for Production Goods Receipts from Final Product Stock Transfer between Warehouses Beginning Quantities You enter the forgotten stock quantity by means of a goods receipt in the system Five pieces of an item are found damaged in the warehouse ---- post a separate goods issue
SAP AG 2007 Goods Receipts / Goods Issue Last Purchase Price Remarks Journal Remark Goods Receipt General Information 1 General Information 2 Table Window Number Price List Goods Issue Item No. Quantity Price Total Inventory Offset 22 Primary A EUR 100 EUR 3972 Goods Receipt Offsetting Accounts: Purchasing – Allocation Account Sales – Cost Account You use goods receipts to post quantities without referring to a specific purchase order. You use goods issue to post quantities without referring to a specific sales order.
SAP AG 2007 Inventory Postings 100 Stock Account Inventory Offset - Increase 100 Stock Account Inventory Offset - Decrease 100 Goods Receipt Ware- house Goods Issue Ware- house Purchased Item Fixed Assets Inventory Item Sales Item Inventory Inventory Transactions Goods Receipt. Inventory Inventory Transactions Goods Issue.
SAP AG 2007 Inventory Transfers: Topic Objectives Post inventory transfers in SAP Business One Outline the accounting documents created as a result Handle scenarios involving consignment stock 寄賣存貨 at a customer At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:
SAP AG 2007 Inventory Transfers / Customer Consignment (1) Inventory Transfer Customer Name Ship To Contact From WH01 To Warehouse Price List Issuing Warehouse for the entire inventory transfer document Receiving Warehouse for each item Optional for customer consignment Item DescriptionItem No.QuantityPriceTotal OKCancel
SAP AG 2007 Inventory Transfers / Customer Consignment (2) Use the Inventory Transfer document to: Transfer stock from one warehouse to another. An inventory transfer can also be carried out as a consignment for a customer. The items are then stored in and sold from the customer's warehouse. To enter a stock transfer in the system, choose: Inventory Inventory transactions Inventory Transfer. Do not enter a customer in the document if the inventory transfer is not linked to a customer.
SAP AG 2007 Warehouse 01 Transferring Stock Warehouse 02 Inventory account (Warehouse 01) 100 Inventory account (Warehouse 02) (Warehouse 02) 100 Inventory Transfer Purchased Item Fixed Assets Inventory Item Sales Item
SAP AG 2007 Consignment Stock at Customer Production CustomerCompany Customer Invoice Goods Issue from WH 03 Company SYSTEMSYSTEM Inventory Transfer 1. 2b. 2a. Withdrawal Delivery 1. 2a,b,c. 2c. Invoice WH 01 WH 03 Invoice Confirmation (customer informs company about the GI)
SAP AG 2007 Post miscellaneous goods movements Transfer items from one warehouse to another You are now able to: Inventory: Unit Summary