The Coming Apostasy 1 Timothy 4:1-10. Apolo Ohno.


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Presentation transcript:

The Coming Apostasy 1 Timothy 4:1-10

Apolo Ohno

Do you know someone who has been very active in our class and church but has seemed to be slipping away over the last few days, weeks or months?

What could we do to encourage them to make a fresh commitment to Christ?

Are you willing to make a new commitment to “train yourself in godliness?”

How will you do that?

DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.What does the Spirit say will happen to some in the latter times? (1 Timothy 4:1) They will abandon their faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 2.How did Paul describe the troublemakers in the church at Ephesus? (1 Timothy 4:2) He called them “hypocritical liars.”

DISCUSSION GUIDE 3.What did he mean when he said that their “consciences have been seared as with a hot iron”? (1 Timothy 4:2)

DISCUSSION GUIDE 4.What did the hypocritical liars counsel people to do? (1 Timothy 4:3) The hypocritical liars forbid people to marry and insist that they abstain from certain foods.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 5.Why are these teachings false and hypocritical? (1 Timothy 4:3-4) These things are good because God created them.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 6.According to Paul, how should Timothy combat these teachings? (1 Timothy 4:6) Bring these things to the attention of the brothers because you will be following the truths of the faith that you have been taught.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 7.What did Paul instruct Timothy to avoid? (1 Timothy 4:7) He should avoid “godless myths and old wives tales”.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 8.What should Timothy do instead? (1 Timothy 4:7) He should train himself to be godly.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 9.The Greek word translated “train yourself” in verse 7 is “gumnazo.” This is where we get our word “gymnasium.” How is “training yourself to be godly” like working out in a gym?

DISCUSSION GUIDE 10.How does training in godliness differ from the asceticism promoted by the hypocritical liars?

DISCUSSION GUIDE 11.How does physical training differ from training in godliness? (1 Timothy 4:8) Physical training has some value (related to this life); training in godliness has value both in this life and in the life to come.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 12.Why do some people spend so much time and effort in physical training (like training to run a marathon) and neglect “training in godliness?”

DISCUSSION GUIDE 13.According to Paul, what is a trustworthy saying? (1 Timothy 4:9-10) Put your hope in the living God.