Five commandmentsof Paul Ephesians 4:25-32
Law and christian Is Christian still under law? Died to law through body of Christ - Rom 7:4 Released from the Law - Rom 7:6 No one is made righteous by law - Gal 2:16; Rom What is the purpose of the Law? Law reveals sin - Rom 7:7 Guardian - school master (παιδαγωγός) - Gal 3:24
Ot law Ceremonial - Feasts, sabbath and so on - Fulfilled in Christ Jesus - 1 Corinthians 5:7; Luke 24:44 Moral - Ten commandments - NT upholds the OT moral law - We uphold the moral law - Matt 22:36-38 Civil - Law of the Israel - Law of the Land - Romans 13:1-7
ephesians 4: Commandments of Paul to Ephesians 1. Speak Truth - Do not speak false 2. Be angry and do not sin 3. Work - Do not steal 4. Talk - No corrupt talk 5. Be kind - No bitterness
1.speak truth( ἀ λήθεια ) OT and NT Truth - Zech 8:16; Col 3:9 Truth with Love - brutality - Love without truth - Hypocrisy - Warren Wiersbe - Eph 4:15 Deliberate effort to tell truth - Sin of silence - Truth demands deliberate effort Reason for Truth with neighbor: Members of same body Satan is a liar - John 8:44 Hell is for those who do not speak truth - Rev 22:15 First sin - dealt in Church - Sin of speaking lie - Acts 5 angry ( ὀ ργίζω ) Is it sin to be angry? Are there reasons for Anger? Jesus and anger - Matt 21:12, John 2:13-17 Let not sun go down - Matt 5:25 - Agree Place to Devil - Matt 5: Anger first step Be angry with right person, right degree, right time, right purpose and right way - is not easy - do not steal Works of Devil - 1.Lie 2.Steal and 3.Destroy - John 10:10 Labor Work - 1 Timothy 5:8; 2 Thess 3:10 God calls those who work - Peter, John and Paul Share with some one in need - Eph 4:28 Exodus 20:15 - Thou shall not steal
4. talk No corruption Out of the abundance of heart - Mouth speaks - Matt 12:34 Tame the Tongue - James 3 Horse bit - James 3:3 Ship rudder - James 3:4 Forest - Fire - James 3:5 Grieve the Holy Spirit - with Talk - 4:30 Seasoned with Salt - Col 4:12
5.Be kind not bitter Bitterness leads to wrath Be kind to one another Tenderhearted Forgiving one another As Christ forgave you