French I Le 22 octobre 2013
Other than the places that we have already learned, list 3 places that you would like added to your vocabulary.
20 = vingt 30 = trente 40 = quarante 50 = cinquante 60 = soixante
All of these numbers follow the same pattern. To say a number past the zero, you can usually just hyphenate the numbers. 23 = vingt-trois For #s 2-9 in the one's place. However if it is the number is 1, the pattern is different. Use « et un » with the number in the tens place. 21 = vingt-et-un
What would the following #s be in French?
What are the following phrases in English ? Comment allez-vous ? Ca va. Je vais bien. Je ne vais pas bien.
How do you say what time is it ? How would you say the following times in French : 6 o'clock 12 o'clock 10 o'clock 4 o'clock 3 o'clock
Quiz Friday on aller & time Quiz Monday on #s Turn in any missing work by Friday afternoon if you want it to be on your progress report. I will not have tutoring Wednesday afternoon.