By: Robert Visconti
Jesse L. Jackson Sr.- Leader Multi Racial Reverends Civil Rights Activists Anybody can join All you have to do is fill out of forum Can cost 15 to 1000 dollars to join
The Rainbow PUSH Coalition is an extension of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. The SCLC president Martin Luther King Jr. appointed Jesse L. Jackson Sr. to be his first director. The main goals of this party is to have social justice for everybody and progress in economic, educational, and social policy.
In 1996 Operation PUSH and the Rainbow Coalition combined to create the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. Operation PUSH was originally created to improve the economic conditions of the black community. PUSH was able to protect black homeowners and workers. After Jackson ran for president, he started the Rainbow Coalition to improve the rights of all Americans.
Martin Luther King gave Jackson his first leadership role Jackson founds Operation PUSH National Rainbow Coalition was formed 1996-The two organizations are combined to make Rainbow PUSH Organization
“Our mission is to protect, defend, and gain civil rights by leveling the economic and educational playing fields, and to promote peace and justice around the world”
The major issues of this organization are to create equality for everybody. The major issues that they have are poverty, hunger, peace and justice, gun violence, home foreclosure, corporate inclusion, and voter registration. A major goal is to give more people a better chance at a better life.
One of the major current issues is justice for Trayvon Martin. More current issues include fracking, virtual schools, and privatization. Fracking can destroy the environment and contaminate drinking water. Privatization includes tolls from outside corporations. Also to they want to expand the online schools for people that need them.
Inspirational quotes- “keep hope alive” and “get informed, get inspired, get involved” Pictures of normal people like you and me. Live broadcasts of forums and ideas. Video clips of feature videos.
One way the people can get involved is to get informed. There is an option to receive alerts of news. A major way to get involved is donate money or time to the organization. The more people that get involved, the stronger voice the group as a whole will have.