A rational framework for public sector scrutiny? Strengthening accountability, governance & control Prioritisation of principles of effective scrutiny Allocation of responsibilities, including lead roles Strengthening the citizen & service user focus
The Place of Scrutiny within Public Service Delivery Service users Scrutiny Regulation Audit Inspection Complaints Handling Service providers Improvement Standards Assurance Redress Scottish Parliament Scrutiny Committees, Ombudsman, Commissions Scottish Executive Policy making, and evaluation
80% 10% Validation Advice Dissemination of Good Practice Of which 0.05% Serious Service Failure Investigation Innovative Services Responding to Individual User Needs Standard Service Distribution 10%
The regulatory response to risk Risk emerges over time Misperceptions are Not communicated Specific incident Amplified by media Incomplete public debate: “Something must be done!” Risk perception emerges Not always backed up by facts Unreasonable expectations About what can be achieved Pressure on government As the default risk manager Regulatory response Some unidentified side effects Some hazards prevented Frustration with State interference Diminished civil liberties And enterprise More regulatory Action needed (regulatory creep)
The Scrutiny Maze – Information sharing arrangements
The Scrutiny Maze – Joint scrutiny
Comprehensive Performance Assessment 2007 Direction of travel Improving strongly Improving well Improving adequately Not improving adequately/ Not improving CPA category 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star 0 stars Corporate assessment Ambition Prioritisation Capacity Performance Management Achievement Use of resources Financial reporting Financial management Financial standing Internal control Value for money Children And young people Social Care (adults) HousingEnvironmentBenefitsCultureFire
Comprehensive Area Assessment – a new model Neighbourhood arrangements and parishes Other partnerships: Children’s trusts/CDRPs/ Health and well being Local strategic partnership/ Council Central government/ Government office Neighbourhood charter Partnership Delivery arrangements National and local targets/information National outcome requirements Residential and customer intelligence Reports from Inspectorates and other Agencies, especially concerning vulnerable people RISKASSESSMENTRISKASSESSMENT Local improvement Activity Sector self support Peer challenge/ peer review Risk-based Inspection/ Assessment, especially concerning vulnerable people Directive action referral to Secretary of State Improvement notices/intervention Sustainable community strategy/ Local development framework Local area agreement: National and local outcomes LSP evaluation of local area performance Individual body self appraisal Local scrutiny and other evidence Performance information Audit/use of resources Direction of travel Structures Outcomes delivery framework Risk-based assurance Improvement support
Dimensions of Best Value 1.Commitment and Leadership 2.Sound Governance at a Strategic and Operational Level 3.Accountability 4.Sound Management of Resources 5.Responsiveness and Consultation 6.Use of Review and Options Appraisal 7.A Contribution to Sustainable Development 8.Equal Opportunities Arrangements 9.Joint Working