Project Weekend Ola Aroyehun Alcohol Treatment Co-ordinator 18 th September 2009
What is Project Weekend? Project designed to identify and provide information to cocaine users, about the significant health risks associated with combined alcohol and cocaine use Delivery of brief interventions within licensed premises Multi-agency approach to achieving these aims
Why Project Weekend? GOL funded project DAAT: Drug Needs Assessment 08/09 showed traces of powder cocaine in the system PCT: Public Health message Support work of Police and Community Safety Partnership around Night-time economy Public Health: Public awareness of increased dangers with combined cocaine and alcohol use Itemiser showed cases of cocaine use in the Night Time Economy
What did we do? Engaged licensed premises owners Two trained workers who worked in the Town Centre 3 nights a week, distributing cards and talking to people Produced range of publicity material branding the project: billboard, promotional cards, newspaper articles and posters Itemiser reading in licensed premises at start and end of project
Evaluation Methods Interviews with managers of clubs and bars Interviews with members of the public Itemiser readings at end of the project Numbers referred into treatment
Results Huge awareness of message amongst the public – 97% of respondents had seen one of the cards and 93% had read one of them 92% showed satisfaction with the cards – strong design Majority of people were able to articulate message of the campaign Clubs and Bars did not display posters No referrals into treatment
Results GOL feedback: Innovative and timely Huge awareness of message amongst the public – 97% of respondents had seen one of the cards and 93% had read one of them 92% showed satisfaction with the cards – strong design Majority of people were able to articulate message of the campaign Clubs and Bars did not display posters No referrals into treatment
Success Factors Partnership approach Flexible approach Support from licensed premises Branding Integration into other initiatives
What next Time limited project Support from DAAT Development Manager to licensed premises Distribution of more cards and posters Self contemplation method: Alcohol Brief Intervention leaflets Links to other health promotion activities
Thank you