RUCE Objectives and Tools Ksenija Čulo Vladimir Sigmund University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek Faculty of Civil Engineering RUCE Workshop Tempus.


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Presentation transcript:

RUCE Objectives and Tools Ksenija Čulo Vladimir Sigmund University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek Faculty of Civil Engineering RUCE Workshop Tempus Join European Project No: Zagreb, November 2004.

Background: The Bologna Declaration : The European higher education area Zajednička deklaracija europskih ministara za naobrazbu (29 država i Hrvatska), 19. lipnja 1999 Prague, drzave Berlin, 2003., -40 drzava potpisnica Bergen, 2005., -48 drzava The Sorbonne Declaration: Joint Declaration on Harmonisation of the Arhitecture of the European Higher Education System F, I, UK, D 25. maja 1998

EUCEET project European Civil Engineering Education and Training Koordinator projekta: Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chausses, Pariz –Više od 135 clanica i preko 100 građevinskih fakulteta europskih sveucilista –Obrazovni programi na dodiplomskom studiju –Ocjena kvaliteta i akreditacija –Veza između sveučilišta, istraživanja i industrije –Dodiplomski programi i ukupna akademska naobrazba –Inovativnost u izobrazbi (uporaba IT) –Zahtjevi koje ekonomsko i društveno okruženje postavlja izobrazbi

“Adoption of a system essentially based on two main cycles, undergraduate and graduate. Access to the second cycle shall require successful completition of first cycle studies, lasting minimum of three years” “The degree awarded after the first cycle shall also be relevant to the European labour market as an appropriate level of qualification” “A system in which two main cycles should be recognized for international comparison and equivalence seems to emerge.”

1. RUCE OBJECTIVE Restructuring of the current curricula in line with the Bologna process into a flexible, transparent, comparable and industry relevant two-tier bachelor- master system. Integration of the Croatian experience in technical education and the best practices from various degree programs available into a common curriculum

Bologna,1999., Prague, 2001., Berlin, 2003.,... (signed by 40 countries) Easily readable and comparable degrees Adoption of a system based on two cycles in the year System of credits (ECTS) Promotion of mobility and employability Comparable criteria in quality assurance Promotion of the European dimension in HE Lifelong learning Promoting the attractiveness of the EU HE institutions Doctoral level (third cycle)

Graduates must have (ASCE): proficiency in mathematics through differential equations; probability and statistics; calculus-based physics; and general chemistry; proficiency in a minimum of four (4) recognized major civil engineering areas; the ability to conduct laboratory experiments and to critically analyze and interpret data; the ability to perform civil engineering design by means of design experiences integrated throughout the professional component of the curriculum; an understanding of professional practice issues such as: procurement of work; bidding versus quality based selection processes; how the design professionals and the construction professions interact to construct a project; the importance of professional licensure and continuing education; and/or other professional practice issues.

Academic requirements (SEFI) Minimum knowledge of the bachelor level in CE graduates ( 3 years): –design buildings and constructions on a basic level –carry out independent project management and supervision of small civil engineering projects –apply static calculations to dimension structures of metals, concrete and wood –take part in planning work related to water supply, drainage and sewer, communications, and mapping –Assume the role of responsible engineer in sub-projects as part of large construction works, in fields like roads, bridges, tunnels, harbours, buildings and landscaping

Master level in CE (+2 years) show in-depth understanding of general phenomena and problems relating to civil engineering learn how to increase insight into civil engineering problems and how to find acceptable solutions, in connection with other sciences, taking into account given or anticipated precondition apply skills for designing, realizing and maintaining civil engineering constructions and systems from the point of view of strength, stability, safety, environment and costs explain the social aspects of civil engineering and the social context in which civil engineering projects are realised use his general knowledge, acquired scientific attitude and designing skills regarding the above objectives

show insight into and proficiency in the area of one of the major fields. After a training period, the recently graduated civil engineer has to be capable of bearing responsibility for the tasks which he/she performs at an academic level in the area in which he/she majored use the skills required for recognizing, formulating, applying and analysing problems in the area of civil engineering in order to find one or more acceptable solutions. To this end the Civil Engineering student has to be enabled to obtain knowledge of and insight into the developments and methods of scientific and applied scientific research, particularly in the area in which the student majored

2. Faculty The program must demonstrate that faculty teaching courses that are primarily design in content are qualified to teach the subject matter by virtue of professional licensure, or by education and design experience. The program must demonstrate that it is not critically dependent on one individual.

ECTS ECTS European Credit Transfer System Europski sustav prijenosa bodova jedinstveni sustav bodova koji se dodjeljuju pojedinim kolegijima/predmetima/modulima

Modul: kao usmjerenje ili kao jedinstvena cjelina tematskog područja. MODUL KAO JEDINSTVENA CJELINA VJEŽBE SEMINARI PREDAVANJA

Vježbe, seminari, kolokviji i predavanja u modulu imaju jedinstvenu satnicu moduli su jednosemestralni ili u bloku, moduli mogu imati isti ili različit broj sati Svaki modul ima koordinatora modula te predavače (interdisciplinarni, npr.) Nakon odslušanog modula polaže se jedinstveni pismeni (i/ili usmeni) ispit pred svim predavačima.

Tri su ključna temelja ECTS-a Informacija o visokoobrazovnim institucijama, njihovim nastavnim programima, postignućima. Ugovori među pojedinim institucijama, između studenta i visokoobrazovne institucije. Broj bodova koji iskazuje opterećenje studenta.

Ukupno opterećenje 60 bodova za akademsku godinu 30 bodova za semestar Potrebno je uskladiti koeficijente za izračun opterećenja studenata po oblastima !

Primjer! Naziv predmeta Predavanja/ Seminari/ Vježbe Koef. optereć. * Opterećenje po predmetu ECTS bodovi Predmet 1 4/2/23/2/ =27010 Predmet 2 3/2/23/2/23/2/23/2/ =2559 Predmet 3 2/0/23/2/1, =1355 Predmet 4 0/0/23/2/ =301 Predmet 4 2/2/02/2/03/1,5/ =1355 Ukupno: 825 sati rada studenta po semestru 30 * koeficijenti opterećenja mogu biti isti za sve predmete ili različiti

Godišnje opterećenje studenta (izracunato prema ustanovljenim kiterijima) ne smije biti više od 1920 sati (48 radnih tjedana pomnoženo s 40 sati tjednog opterećenja), tj. 960 po semestru (od 780 do 960 sati) Dakle, treba voditi računa da broj sati pomnožen s brojem bodova po semestru i godini bude manji.

Mobilnost studenata “mobilnim” studentima treba biti omogućeno praćenje redovite nastave student se može vratiti na matični fakultet student može ostati i diplomirati na gostujućoj instituciji student može otići na treću(e) instituciju

2. RUCE objective Development of manageable and transparent quality control and quality assurance techniques and procedures Quality civil engineering education demands a process of continuous improvement by systematic and collective evaluation and refining of the system.

QA in needed in order : to assure standards of achievement to assure quality of teaching to assure quality of management

Internal QA System - Principles Confidencebuilding Commitment to Commitment to quality improvement quality improvement Focus on student needs Coherent and transparent system structure system structure Efficiency, effectiveness, effectiveness,sustainability Promotion of quality culture quality culture


INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCESS U U n n i i v v e e r r s s i i t t y y Q Q A A B B o o a a r r d d F F a a c c u u l l t t y y Q Q A A C C o o m m m m i i t t t t e e e e s s F F a a c c u u l l t t y y Q Q A A C C o o o o r r d d i i n n a a t t o o r r s s F F a a c c u u l l t t y y S S t t a a f f f f S S t t u u d d e e n n t t s s

QA OF CATEGORIES INCLUDED IN THE EDUCATION PROCESS 1.ABILITY OF THE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION to reach the desired studying quality (equipment, technology, space) 2.QUALITY OF THE CURRICULA CONTENTS 3.QUALITY OF TUITION (learning/teaching) 4.ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE of the educational process – temporal and content sequence of subjects 5.EFFICIENCY OF THE COMMUNICATION-INFORMATION SYSTEM (management of the faculty – course teacher – student records office – students’ organization – student) in the support of the teaching/learning process 6.CORPORATE CULTURE of the educational system (on the level of the study group / the faculty and the university)

QA OF LECTURES AND LECTURERS I. CODE OF SUBJECT, CODE OF LECTURER II. LECTURES ARE INTERESTING Lectures are understandable Lectures are understandable Contents of the program is up-to-date Contents of the program is up-to-date Lectures are in keeping with the curriculum Lectures are in keeping with the curriculum The lecturer includes examples from the practice The lecturer includes examples from the practice The lecturer encourages students to think The lecturer encourages students to think The lecturer answers the students’ questions The lecturer answers the students’ questions Study literature is coordinated with the lectures Study literature is coordinated with the lectures Study literature is accessible Study literature is accessible One can prepare for the examination using the prescribed literature One can prepare for the examination using the prescribed literature The lecturer gives a fair and just evaluation of one’s knowledge The lecturer gives a fair and just evaluation of one’s knowledge The lecturer evaluates one’s knowledge on the basis of criteria known in advance The lecturer evaluates one’s knowledge on the basis of criteria known in advance Complete evaluation of the subject Complete evaluation of the subject Complete evaluation of the lecturer Complete evaluation of the lecturer III. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PROGRAM Suggestions for the improvement of the lecturer Suggestions for the improvement of the lecturer

The Board of the EUCEET-Tuning synergy group elaborated a draft of the questionnaires listing the specific competences required for civil engineering subject area. EXTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCESS

Questionnaire for Graduates This questionnaire presents a series of questions related to the skills and competences that may are important for success in their career. –Do you feel that the education you have received at the university has been adequate? –How would you rate the employment potential of your degree?

Questionnaire for Employers This questionnaire presents a series of questions related to the skills and competences that may be important for success in the career of civil engineer.

Questionnaire for academics Ranking of Generic Competences Listed are the competences that have been considered as most important for the professional development of university graduates, both by graduates and by the companies that employ them. Please rank these in order of importance according to your opinion.

. The picture represents the SYNERGY of these three QA activities. Complete effect can be achieved only when all three elements are applied IN COORDINATION. QA is a CYCLIC PROCESS. Measuring Quality Improving Quality Defining Quality

3. RUCE objective The introduction of new teaching techniques and their implementation –(a) new teaching techniques, based on the extensive use of the information technology (IT), –(b) the communication skills training.

USING IT IN TEACHING AND LEARNING OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING M. Fischinger and T. Isaković University of Ljubljana Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering