Puritans and Quakers Too bad we didn’t get the Italian party boats!!
Puritan Beliefs Predestination-fate was decided by god (idea from John Calvin) The Elect. “City on Hill…the eyes of the people are upon us”- Winthrop on Mass. Bay Colony…the beginning of “American Exceptionalism” Education for all Hard Work Material Success a “sign” from god that you were among “the elect” Hard work+Education+Virtuous living = Success and heavenly reward
Problems with the Puritans Self-Righteousness led to double standard of “sins” for non-believers Hypocricy- Uneven application of laws IntoleranceNarrow-Mindedness Scapegoating…led to Trials Self-hatred “could never fully believe they were free from sin”. No Fun-Dancing/music/sexuality/
Lasting Puritan Contributions Public Schools Puritan Conscience Witch trials lead to reforms in church and a more rational sense of god and the devil Trials Pointed to need for church/state separation Trials lead to protections of the accused in modern court system American Exceptionalism- Winthrop’s City on the Hill. The idea that Americans are better than others.
What caused Witchcraft Hysteria in ? Revocation of Colonial Charter Belief in witches and warlocks Famine/Crop failures before trials Indian Raids Smallpox epidemic-why us? Shifting economic power leading to class conflict between rich and poor in village and town Scapegoating Conversion Hysteria Magic Mushroom/Poison/Drugs/Mercury in Water Acting Out”/Peer pressures Sexual repression of teenage desires
Some Salem Images
Effects of Witch Trials Questioning of authority of Church Great Awakening Increased reliance on reason and rationality Puritans are called Congregationalists today
STAR TEST ALERT! For some reason the STAR test loves …. The Great Awakening- A religious revival/resurgence in the colonies in the ’s. It represented a separation of church and state and a less-rigid more rational approach than, say, Salem and it’s witches. People began to question the traditional church authority. The Second Great Awakening- 1790s-1830 Another revival around the time of slavery and pre- civil war. First appearance of “revival meetings” This time religious leaders morally opposed slavery. Many, less popular but significant sects formed: LDS (Mormons), Jehova’s Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists.
The Quakers: A different approach …Now Even OATIER!
Quaker Beliefs Purity through intuition…not church dogma Practical education Pacifism Avoidance of Oaths Martyrdom Generally poorer than Puritans
Quaker Faults No Political Viability or power Pacifism led to indian raids and exclusion from colonial acceptance No institutions = No political power
Contributions of Quakers Belief in absolute equality Opposition to slavery Tradition of open-mindedness and tolerance for different beliefs and races. Quakers never really flourished, but remained a benign force for Peace and non-violence