Bubble Wrap Green Solutions: Kenneth Ho Rajwinder Maan William Wong
Agenda Project Background Accomplishments Lessons Learned Budget Conclusion Acknowledgements Questions
Project Background Problem: Temperature flucuations inside a greenhouse that utilizes bubble insulation technology when the weather is changing to maintain the life of different plans This also is manually controlled so, no consistent monitoring is taking place and the bubbles must be turned on when the weather changes
Project Background Solution: To implement temperature sensors so that this information can be grabbed and automatically relayed to a database for consistent monitoring and automate when the bubble insulation technology must take place above or below specified temperatures to remove manual control
Project Background How: This is done through Arduino Boards, a pump, Python Scripts, and a web server utilizing various server services which run to effectively grab the information
Accomplishments Functional mesh network between the Arduino Boards Successful installation and configuration of the Arduino Software and other server services Scripts that successfully logged the temperature Communication established between fluctuations in temperature for what the sensors read All necessary information logged and recorded System successfully installed in greenhouse
Lessons Learned Arduino Boards and software Ubuntu configuration (scripts, commands, installations) Python Scripting techniques Arduino codes, rates, and matching Python Scripts Trial and Error with scripts Troubleshoot
Budget Projected Budget: Hardware/Software - $ Operating Costs - $35, Total - $36,326.15
Budget Actual Budget: Hardware/Software - $ Operating Costs - $18, Total - $19,621.00
Conclusion Solved the problem of automating insulation in a greenhouse Fixed the issue of monitoring and logging the information Various installations, troubleshooting, and problem solving encountered Cost effective project for prospective groups to expand upon
Acknowledgements Jason Fisher Project advisor and for all of his support and reference knowledge Jeremie Ryan For sponsoring us, being a reference guide and point of contact Ben Reed Getting us the project and guiding us to appropriate resources Michael Balcerzak Aiding us in Python Scripting Sam Pollock Aiding us in Python Scripting
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