The Effect Age Has On Lung Capacity Researcher: Brooklyn Folsom
Abstract This study was to determine if age effects your lung capacity results. To get the results of this experiment I gave each of the four humans four balloons, and they had a total of 10 seconds for every balloon to see how much they could blow up in the amount of time given. After the humans were done blowing up the balloons I took the measurements of balloon from top to bottom and measured it in inches. My hypothesis was that the younger aged humans would blow up the balloon bigger meaning there lung capacity is higher. The results in the experiment proved there was no organized order, the 15 year old had the highest, then the 47 year old, then the 66 year old and last the 7 year old. The results could be a little inaccurate because the 7 year old had just previously gotten over the flu.
Review of Literature Lung Capacity- Total Lung Capacity (TLC) is the maximum volume to which the lungs can be expanded with the greatest possible aspiratory effort; It is also possible for you to increase your lung capacity through regular exercise. Your lung capacity may be affected by certain disorders such as asthma and emphysema. Cigarette smoking can cause a loss in your capacity Such things as altitude, the position your body is in, air temperature, weather conditions, and air pollution may also contribute to a decrease in lung capacity.
Question, Problem, Hypothesis How does an individuals lung capacity differ with age? If you are given an eight year old, a fifteen year old, a forty-seven year old and a sixty-six year old, then the lung capacity of the eight year old will be greater, because they haven't experienced the levels of pollutants that the fifteen, forty-seven, and sixty-six year old has and they are more likely to be active through out the day.
Material List One pack of average sized balloons Stop watch 8 year old 15 year old 47 year old 66 year old Table Soft ruler
Set Up
Variables Independent: Human age used to record the data that results in lung capacity. Dependent: Lung capacity. Control: The younger human, age 7. Constants: The balloon size, the amount of time given to blow up a balloon.
Procedure Place four balloons of the exact same size on the table. Humans grab balloon and wait to be told to go Get stop watch ready Tell humans to blow After 10 seconds stop humans from blowing Record dimensions from top to bottom, of how much air was blown into the balloon in inches Keep balloon incase needed for further investigations Repeat steps times Compare other humans to younger human
Table Age GroupTrial 1Trial 2Trial 3Trial 4Average Raymond Age:66 24 ¾2524 ¾17 ½23 Darin Age:47 30 ½30 ¾30 ½ Brooklyn Age: ¾31 ½ Hunter Age:9 15 ¾17 ½15 ¾17 ½16.6
Conclusion My hypothesis was proven wrong, the data resulted with the control human, the seven year old to actually have the least amount of lung capacity. This data can help people realize your lung capacity isn’t the effect of how old you are, it is the effect of how healthy and in-shape you are. Lung capacity can differ from many different factors of a human.
Future Studies My future studies I would apply to this research project are changing factors that affected the results I had in my experiment. I would make all humans the same sex, either male or female. I would also, do more trials, for more of an accurate data. My last thing I would change is, I’d make sure all humans were healthy, my control human had just got over the flu.
Acknowledgments I greatly appreciate the guidance, patience, and careful criticism of Mrs. Richards and Darin Folsom in conducting this investigation.
Bibliography M.R., Anglin. "What Should I know About Lung Capacity?". WISEgeek. Sunday, Febuary 21, David, Marc. "Your 3 Best Options for Increased Lung Capacity ". Sunday, Febuary 21, White, M, Joshua. "Increase Lung Capacity and Prevent Volume Loss As You Age ". Sunday, Febuary 21, "How to Improve Lung Capacity". eHow. Sunday, Febuary 21, "Breathing Exercises to Increase Lung Capacity". Live Strong. Sunday, February 21, 2010.