Read the two articles on family history interviews. –How to interview a relativeHow to interview a relative –Fifty questions for family history interviewsFifty questions for family history interviews Interview someone in your family (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, etc.). Ask him/her 25 questions about his/her life. Write down the interview questions and the answers.
Review the interview questions and answers. Based on something the person said, choose a topic that you would like to research. For example: Question: What did you like to do when you were my age? Answer: I liked to listen to music by David Bowie. From this, you might choose to research David Bowie. Or Question: You are a teacher now. Did you always want to be a teacher? Answer: No. When I was young, I wanted to be a ballroom dancer. I loved watching Ginger Rogers dance the waltz. From this, you might choose to research Ginger Rogers, or you might choose to research the history of the waltz. Make sure when you choose your topic that it is not too broad and not too narrow. For example, researching the Vietnam War would be too broad. You might want to research a particular person involved in the war, or a particular weapon used during the war. You may with your topic choice so that I can help you determine whether you have selected a workable topic.
Research your topic. You may use any search engine or source you find useful. Don’t forget to cite every source you use. Don’t’ wait until you are finished to create your bibliography. Use this website to help you cite your sources. –APA formattingAPA formatting Remember, you must have at least 8 sources.
Choose which five pieces you are going to do. –Writing Assignment ChoicesWriting Assignment Choices For this research project, you are not going to write a traditional research paper. You will instead write or develop five separate pieces. You must present one creative piece, one three-paragraph essay, one technical piece, one response piece, and one final assessment. See the blue sheet for possible choices for each piece. For example, your final project might consist of the following: This is just an example. A motivational poster with explanation (maybe a poster with a picture of a dancer that has a motivational paragraph about dancing, if your topic is Ginger Rogers). A three paragraph tribute to Ginger Rogers Ginger Rogers’ resume (as if she is applying for a job somewhere) A love letter from Ginger to Fred Astaire A brief biography of Ginger Rogers
Watch the video tutorial Wordpress tutorial and create a blog from wordpress.comWordpress You will need an address to activate your blog. Select a theme for your blog based on your topic.
Create five different pages on the blog. Title one of the pages “Creative.” Title another one “Paragraphs.” Title another one “Technical.” Title another one “Response Piece.” Title another one “Final Assessment.” Your pieces will be posted on these pages. Therefore, everything will need to be created electronically. There are websites that will you help you create Wanted posters, Motivational posters, and Bumper stickers. Just do a Google search for “create your own Wanted poster” or “create your own bumper sticker.” If you run into problems, me and I will try to help you.
Peer edit at least one assignment on five of your classmates’ blogs. You can insert comments on their pages. –Remember to use constructive criticism meaning you should offer your classmates solutions to problems on their page.
Finally, post your answers and ideas to the discussion questions at the end of the module.