- Anusha Uppaluri 1
Contents Problem Problems Importance Research Methodology Data Collection Conclusion References Questions 2 2
Problem Food Webs – Complex networks formed by one species of animals feeding on the other species Target Groups – Species of animals which when extinct cause the near extinction/ extinction of a large number of species of animals 3
Problems Importance Food webs make a very complex network and its understanding would be interesting Interdependence of species in food web is important to maintain balance Helps in understanding the do’s and don'ts in trying to preserve our environment and ecosystem 4 4
Research Methodology Main question: Eliminating what nodes in the food web network would cause the maximum shattering of the networks stability 5
Collect data from recent related literature and recreate network Pajek can be used for network creation and analysis Nodes in the network are eliminated according to a certain criteria Reaction of the remaining network is judged Robustness of the remaining network is calculated 6
Step I Elimination of nodes can also be done on a random basis Nodes are removed randomly Network reaction is judged based on robustness The species that cause the steepest plunge in robustness can be focused 7
Random node removal though not of much help might help with new ideas and give the simulation a new direction 8
Step II Nodes can be eliminated on the basis of their indegree centraility Indegree centrality of all the nodes is calculated The nodes with the highest indegree centrality are eliminated first and so on After each elimination the robustness of the remaining network is calculated 9
The species that causes the steepest plunge in robustness upon its elimination is zeroed in on Intuition behind using indegree centrality: if a species is being fed on by many other animals then it is an important part of the network 10
Step III Nodes can be eliminated on the basis of their betweeness centraility aswell Previously mentioned process is eliminated while considering betweeness centrality The intution behind using betweeness centrality is, is a node is on several shortest paths between pairs several other nodes => it is important to maintain the balance in the system 11
The answers obtained from the above III steps are analyzed to reach a final conclusion Any further experimentation is done if needed 12
Data Collection Food web data sets Food web data sets The problem is the above data sets are too small Working with them would give an initial idea of what the network reacts like and what the answers could be 13
Focus on recent sources of data and recent related literature Older sources of data were found to be weak and incomplete Main data to be obtained from the literature studied 14
Conclusion Collect data from recent literature and recent data source Reconstruct the network using Pajek Follow a III step process Eliminate nodes on a random basis and analyze the reaction of the network Eliminate the nodes on indegree centrality basis and analyze the reaction of network 15
Eliminate the nodes on the basis of betweenness centrality and analyze the reaction of the network Use the results found in the above III step process to either reach the conclusion or to perform any further experimentation as needed 16
References Dunne J. A., Williams R. J., Martinez N. D., “ Food-web structure and network theory: The role of connectance and size”, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of United States of America, Vol. 99 No. 20, pp , 2002 Dunne J. A., Williams R. J., Martinez N. D., “ Network structure and biodiversity loss in food webs: robustness increases with connectance”, Ecology Letters, Vol. 5, pp , 2002 Gilbert A.J., “ Connectance indicates the robustness to food webs when subjected to species loss”, Ecological Indicators, Vol. 9, pp ,
Questions? 18