POV Lesson Plan, Day 1 (Documentary)
Represent vs. Re-present What do these words mean?
Represent vs. Re-present List things you encounter, in or out of school, that “represent” or “re-present” other things.
Fact and Art What do these words mean? What do they mean together?
What do you guys know about documentaries?
Documentary Group Work Explanation Each get a copy of the “Introducing Documentaries Viewing Guide”. Divide up who answers which questions (except for question 4) People answer the question they are responsible for. Everyone answer question 4.
Preview Sheet Questions and Vocabulary When answering “who” questions, just put the person’s title (e.g. doctor). Reenactment vs Live action Stock vs historical footage Narration vs V.O.
Go Work Travel to this site: Complete your worksheet. www.pbs/pov/video/search Complete your worksheet.
Debrief Work What are the similarities? What generalizations can be made? How is this different than a Hollywood film? Fact, fiction, or fictionalized account of real event? Anything else of interest?
Listening to Filmmakers View THIS: http://www.pbs.org/pov/video/search.php?search_type=filmmaker_interviews Listen to your filmmaker’s thoughts on their work. Write responses HERE: mvhs-media-comm.weebly.com > Media 1 > Documentary
Review Reponses
POV Lesson Plan, Day 2 (Documentary)
Documentary Production Role Play Receive the “Role Play Sheet” Listen to directions. Form groups of 4. Consider the scenario.
Debrief the Role Play
Plan a Documentary Use the “School Documentary Sheet”
Share Planning Present the elements of the plan. What similarities and differences are their between plans? What accounts for the differences?
The Plans Took Different Angles