Welcome (back) to the GeoTEd Institute With support from: Hosted by: Extending Geospatial Technician Education Through Virginia’s Community Colleges (GTEVCC) NSF DUE ;
Welcome (back)! Just a reminder: You guys were basically hand selected! Good news and bad news… We’ve lost a few members of the cohort from last year. We have added a few new members of the cohort! Adam Spillman, Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte, NC Troy Thompson, Bethel High School, Hampton, VA Daniel Stooks, Varina High School, Henrico Co.
Before we get started, let’s take care of some business!
Introductions We’ve got several groups present: – Community College faculty – High School dual enrollment faculty – Instructors / Guest speakers: Community college faculty Private industry folks High school educators Virginia Tech / ODU faculty And others…!
The Agenda The agenda is located in the first section of your notebook. There is a method to the madness… Saturday (today) & Sunday – AGO Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday - ArcGIS Desktop Tuesday – Geospatial Mapping ‘Apps’ Wednesday – Geocoding and Field work Thursday – Remote sensing Friday – Intro. to Lidar
Meals Dinners – Mix of ‘on your own’ and group dinners The Pallisades Restaurant - tonight! Mikie’s 7 th at the VT Hort. Gardens – Tuesday night Chateau Morrisorett in Floyd - Wednesday night – Lunches at D2 (cruise ship style…) Some box lunches – Please provide Stacey with any dietary concerns… – Breakfasts (on your own) at D2 prior to the Institute Also bagels and coffee here in the break room
Additional notes: The GeoLounge is back… The Geospatial Textbook “Fair” Giveaways on Friday! Other cool freebies will find their way in here during the week... Suggestion / comments / testimonials box – Put it in the ‘real’ suggestion box, or the virtual suggestion box ( – 2014 Institute)
Lab Rules No food No drinks Please take care of your cell phones Be nice to your computer and tablet...
“The Workbook” Course notebook – Bring it to the workshop each day, you’ll need it... – We will lock the door at night So you can leave it in the lab so you will not have to lug it all over the place... – Note that the door lock does not work all that well…. Put your name in/on it
Common questions So where are the bathrooms? -Down the hall… Parking… -Make sure that your parking pass is hanging in your car!
Just a reminder… This is not a GIS software workshop, it is a Geospatial Workshop! – GIS, GPS, and remote sensing Become familiar with GIS tools, data, applications, career / employment opportunities Become familiar with GPS Gain an appreciation and understanding of remote sensing Spatial thinking and reasoning Classroom implementation
Stipends and Expectations You will receive a $250 stipend for attending the entire workshop You will receive an additional $750 for completing expectations (to be completed over AY ). Everyone’s expectation plan can/will be different. Start jotting ideas down now, and feel free to discuss with us during the week. – Initial discussions formally begin on Monday (but there is no time like the present…)
Expense reimbursement (continued) We have your W9 form on file if you were here last year If you have a new mailing address, let Stacey know If you are a new cohort member, you will need to complete a w9 You need to turn in your W9 federal form in order to receive your stipend and other reimbursement expenses… See Stacey in Room 304!
Expense reimbursement info. We have to follow state regulations Lodging: Your rooms are covered Meals: Per diem (no receipt needed) Your respective community colleges / high schools are covering travel expenses A note to the daily commuters...
The take home message… message We are providing you with a number of geospatial tools that you can choose from this week (cafeteria style..). All of the tools that you will be exposed to are actually parts of a system that work interactively and support each other. Adopt elements that are appropriate for your situation…