Francisco Vasquez De Coronado
Life He was born in Spain, 1510 Left at early age because his parents promised fame and fortune would go to his older brother First man to throw a rock for a mile down into the Grand Canyon He died in 1554 in Mexico
Exploration Francisco explored to find gold, silver, and the Seven Cities Coronado explored Mexico in 1835,Arizona, Kansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas, Grand Canyon The sponsoring Country is Spain First Europeans to travel up to the Rio Grande Appointed governor of New Spain because he worked hard
Map Yellow= places explored Rio Grande Grand Canyon Spain
Encounters with Natives Led expedition in 1540 with 300 men and 1000 Native Americans Discovered the Grand Canyon Conquered the Zuni Indians Visited Pueblo Indians in Mexico Accused of abusing the Native Americans Returned to the colony of New Galicia in Mexico
Credits By: Courtney Hoover and Megan Thompson Bibliography Resources: News of the Nation Book on Coronado cal+instruments&svnum=10&um=1&hl=en &start=20&sa=n&ndsp=20