Week 1.2 Some Fundamental Items from PHYSICS
Assignment- Begin reading the Background Notes that are posted on the website.Background Notes Roughly pages 1-18
From Our Discussion Elements of Music Structured/Designed Sound Some pleasant – bells, most musical instruments Some nasty – whip Some intermediate - drums Rhythm (time) Tones (Not defined, though) Loudness Pleasurable ???? Message ???? Must there be one? What Kind?
Bone Flute – Music is older than I am! 50,000 years or more Neanderthal reconstructions
Where did instruments come from???
What does this mean?
Lightening Takes time to get to you or you are in big trouble. Speed = distance/time What is distance? What is time?
Sound --- A “disturbance”
Important Definitions Length or Distance How “far” something moves or travels. Measured against some agreed upon standard. Length Standard.. The Gorf Unknown Length /8 = 4 1/8 Gorfs
The real standard:
Systems of Units SI Units …. Meters, Seconds, Newtons/Kilograms English System ….. Feet/yards, seconds, pounds/poundals
More Important Definitions TIME The subjective “distance” between two EVENTS. It needs to be objective … ie measurable and reproducible. Original Clock – The Earth’s Rotation “It is two days journey” Today’s Clocks – “He ran the race in 4 hours, 2 minutes and seconds”
Things that “tick” at some rate The planet … once a day The Pendulum.. Depends on a number of things; Parameters: Length Weight, whatever that is. Mounting
In case you care….. We will discuss this “g-thing” when we get to acceleration.
Sun Clock
Water Clocks
And so on … Rolex (~$10K) Atomic Clock (NASA) $ megabucks
The music clock: the Metronome 112 quarter notes per minute. Kind of Pendulum
We hear music (and other noise) in our brains. Sound
And you didn’t even know that you have one! Sound Waves push against your Tympanic Membrane What is a wave, what is a push??
Inside your head To Brain d D
In order to understand musical tones and their relationship to each other, we need to understand GRAPHS!
A graph … what does it all mean? time (seconds) 2 distance (meters) snail rabbit
So…. time (seconds) 2 distance (meters) snail rabbit Snail goes 100 meters in 2 seconds … Speed=100m/2s Speed = 2 meters/second
Also Velocity is speed in a particular direction. Velocity: 120 m/hr NORTH Speed: 120 m/hr (or mph)
Example Sound travels about 1100 ft per second. How much time does it take for sound to travel about 1 mile?
Another Graph.. a biggy! Time (seconds) disturbance
Important Definitions The PERIOD, T is the time it takes to go from one condition to the next time that exact condition is repeated. The frequency, the number of oscillations per second, is given by:
Time (seconds) disturbance 6 sec Period = 6 seconds Frequency=1/6 per sec (Hz) =0.16 sec = 160 ms
Siren … a scientific instrument
The Graph
100 Bottles of beer on the wall …
Resonance (later) Rotational Speed (Turns/second) Loudness
Helmholtz Resonators
Helmholtz’s Results Note from Middle CFrequency C264 D297 E330 F352 G396 A440 B496