European Explorers FMS - Texas History
Christopher Columbus Sponsored by Spain’s to find a shorter route to China Landed in Bahamas Oct 12, 1492 Spain sponsored 4 voyages between 1492 – 1504 Lost sponsorship when he began abusing the natives
Alonzo Alvarez de Pineda Led expedition to map coastline of Gulf of Mexico & established Spanish colony in 1519 1st European expedition to observe the Texas coast Pineda settled near present-day Mexican city of Tampico
Moctezuma Hernan Cortes Spaniard commissioned by Governor of Cuba to explore N. Amer. continent in 1519 Conquered Emperor Moctezuma Claimed Mexico for “New” Spain Renamed Tenochtitlan –Mexico City
Panfilo de Narvaez Granted land of Florida by Spain along with permission to conquer lands between Florida & Mexico His 400-man expedition capsized in Gulf of Mex. during a storm; 80 survivors beached at Galveston Bay 1st Europeans to set foot in Texas Assisted by Karankawas upon arrival in Texas
Panfilo de Narvaez Expedition
Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca Assisted by Karankawas, survived Narvaez expedition Natives told him about 7 Cities of Gold (Cibola) 1st Euro. To explore interior of Texas looking for Ciboloa Went across Tx to Mex. City Told Spain about Cibola
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado Came to Texas specifically looking for 7 Cities of Gold (Cibola) … never found it A member of his group (Fernandez) even traveled as far as the Grand Canyon Saw buffalo and thought they were cows
Hernando de Soto Led 2nd expedition to Texas specifically looking for Cibola 1st European to explore interior of U.S vs. just Florida area to Texas Never found Cibola
Rene-Robert Cavelier Sieur de LaSalle Claimed Louisiana, to include Miss. River area for France Established Ft St Louis near present day Corpus Christi Most of his expedition died from fights w/ Karankawas His fort was over run by Indians
Spanish Explorers Alonzo Alvarez de Pineda Hernan Cortes Panfilo de Narvaez Cabeza de Vaca Francisco de Coronado Hernado de Soto