Grade Level: 3 rd grade Mike Vorwald
A measurement is a determination of the amount of something. A measurement has two parts: a number value and a unit
3.M.1.3. Students are able to identify U.S. Customary units of length (feet). 3.M.1.4. Students are able to select appropriate units to measure length (inch, foot, mile, yard. 3.M.1.5. Students are able to measure length to the nearest ½ inch.
Inch Foot Yard Mile 1 Inch 1 Foot = 12 Iches 1 Yard = 3 Feet 1 Mile = 5,280 Feet 1 Mile = 1,760 Yards
Countries who use the English System for official measurement – United States, Liberia, and Burma Where did these units of measurement come from?
What unit of measure do we use when measuring…. The length of this pencil? The distance between Sioux Falls and Brookings, SD? The height of the door? The distance between the science center and the library?
Students should learn to convert measurements into feet and inches. For example – 17 inches = 1 ft. 5 in. My height is 69 inches – Converts to 5 ft. 9 in.
What is your height? In inches? In feet + inches?
Carpentry, plumbing, and multiple other vocations. When building a house, or really building anything at all. Your ideas?
Measurment of the Chalkboard eraser? The desk? A tile on the wall? What in the room is 2ft 4in. ?
Compare Scavenger Hunt worksheets
Go over what we have learned today. Come up with 2 things as a group and write them down.
Noooooo Homework! We will see you tomorrow have a wonderful day!