Make a list of factors that could be used to compare one material to another. breakability/safety cost convenience (for example, having a re-closable cap) recyclability density/weight
KEY VOCABULARY Evidence Materials Materials scientist Materials engineer Properties
ProductAdvantagesDisadvantages Aluminum Glass Plastic Copy the following table in your science notebook Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Different Materials
Material Data Cards Note: Measurement units appearing on the Material Data Cards are primarily in units of the English system rather than the International System (SI) of Units. This is because much of the data are compiled by U.S. industries and are described in English tons, pounds, gallons, and British thermal units (BTUs), and the data would be comparable for students who do additional research. Note: that the energy data is shown in units of kilocalories (kcal). One kilocalorie is equivalent to 1,000 calories or 1 Calorie. Note: that 1 Calorie is the metric unit of measurement of stored energy in food.
Remember: Properties are the nature of a material, such as the physical qualities of color, hardness, state, and density. Also consider what the material can do such as conduct electricity.
Category - 1 Cost Cards 1, 10, and 19 state the cost of producing an aluminum can, plastic bottle, and glass bottle. example:
3. Based on the information you collected which material is best for making drink container, from the viewpoint of each person listed below? Explain your answer and support it with evidence. Explain why does a Material Scientist and Material engineer need to know Chemistry?