Akbar (r ) Perfect Man din-i ilahi (Divine Religion) Removing religion as source of division?
Mughal Empire in South Asia Babur (r ) 1526 Babur takes Delhi Religious diversity: Hinduism, Sikhism, various forms of Islam Map Link: India, : < india_shepherd_1923.jpgindia_shepherd_1923.jpg>
Hindu - probably first used in 15th/16th c. Samsara (cycle of death and rebirth) Law of karma (action): every action has a consequence Goal: moksha (liberation) of atman (soul)
The One/Brahman Impediment of sense of individuality Understanding of the One as means to moksha Role of Hindu majority in Mughal state
Nanak ( ) born Hindu Kshatriya in Punjab but also educated in Islam At age 30 disappears, while bathing, for 3 days. Has encounter with God “God is neither Hindu nor Muslim”
Guru: guru (spiritual guide) Travels to spread message, eventually settles in Punjab Sikhs (disciples)
Universe as emanation of God’s being God as personal deity and true Guru Human soul as part of emanation from God. Upon death, fate determined by karma, but normally rebirth Aim to achieve union with God and escape cycle of death/rebirth Khalsa (warrior brotherhood) formed 1699 Aurangzeb (r )
Role of Sufism in conversion of S. Asia NaqshbandisChishtis Links with rulers – impact on Sufism and state
Two Isma‘ili Shi‘ite groups in S. Asia: Nizaris (Khojas) Tayyibis (Bohras) Both offshoots of the Fatimids (r. Egypt )
Nizaris in Sindh since 13th century Khojas (khwaja, “master”) Satpanth (true path) Late 16th c. Khojas make contact with Imam Aga Khan
Tayyibis supporting line of Imams in Yemen, also accepted by Isma‘ilis of Gujarat Bohras (merchants) Split over rightful da‘i mutlaq: Da‘udis, ‘Aliyas, Sulaymanis
Decline of religious tolerance under Aurangzeb (r ) Late 17th/early 18th c. Decentralisation of Mughal power
François Bernier ( ) French physician and traveller 1658 Sails for Surat 1659 Joins court of Dara Shukoh Witness to Mughul struggle for power of 1657 to 1658 Letters, book: Travels in the Mughal Empire