CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S BRIEFING Tom Taylor Chief Executive 23 rd May 2006
2005/06 Performance: 4 hour A&E target- Achieved 6 months Inpatient target- Achieved 13 week Outpatient target- Achieved 14 day Cancer target- Achieved 31 day Cancer target- Achieved 62 day Cancer target- Achieved MRSA Reduction target- Achieved Patient Booking target- Achieved Agenda for Change target- Achieved Manpower Reduction target- Achieved
2005/06 Performance: Financial deficit (£12.1million) - £8.2 million April – September £3.9 million October – March 2006 Improved relationships with:- - Overview & Scrutiny Committees - Members of Parliament/ Welsh Assembly Members - Media - Public Dialysis Unit opened at PRH New Linear Accelerator approved and commenced
2005/06 Performance: Taylor/Sellers Action Plan Implemented Foundation Trust Diagnostic & Action Plan Completed Trust Board Re-built Strategic Review Progressed Standards for Better Health Compliance CNST Maternity Level 1 to 2 CNST General Level 1 to 2 Library Accreditation Level 1 to 3
2006/07 Challenges: Financial balance with NHS Bank support: 2004/05 £19.3 million covered 2005/06 £12.1 million covered 2006/07 £2.8 million contribution Long term Financial Strategy to be negotiated National targets MUST be achieved Service Improvements – 10 High Impact Changes Teaching Trust Status Preparation for Foundation Trust Status
2006/07 Challenges: Public consultation process to commence 10 th July (SCPCT started 8 th May) - Vision of health services for our population - Description of clinical service reviews (significant changes require public consultation) - Financial recovery proposals Manpower reduction target Modernisation Agenda
2006/07 Challenges: Increase our understanding of what the public want Utilise our staff better in how we deliver services Manage the effect of “Our Health, Our Care, Our Say”, Payment by Results, Commissioning a Patient Led NHS, the NHS Operating Framework, Pay Reform Agenda, Connecting for Health Increase the profile/ reputation of the Trust
2006/07 Challenges: Delivering: “ Two clinically viable hospitals within a financially viable Teaching Foundation Trust by 2008”