San Francisco – Bay Area University Partnership Grant February 10, 2015 Organizational Intervention Timeline 2 SAN FRNACISCO OCT 2014 DEC 2014 Nov 2017 COHA Results Design Teams MISSOURI MAY 2015 JUNE 2015 MAY 2018 COHA Results Design Teams INDIANA SEPT 2015 OCT 2015 Sept 2018 COHA Results Design Teams
San Francisco – Bay Area University Partnership Grant February 10, 2015 Design Team Sites HSA Otis Street – – Facilitator Linda Metsger – 1 Meeting per 4 hours per meeting HSA Mission Street – Facilitator Linda Metsger – 1 Meeting per 4 hours per meeting HSA 3 rd Street – Facilitator Kimberly Bradley – 2 Meetings per 2 hours per meeting Seneca – Facilitator Kimberly Bradley – 1 Meeting per 4 hours per meeting 3
San Francisco – Bay Area University Partnership Grant February 10, Phase Model 4 PHASE I Organizational Culture & Climate and Change Initiative Leadership & Agency Alignment Assess Organizational Culture & Climate Identify Workforce Change Initiative Initiate Design Team PHASE I Organizational Culture & Climate and Change Initiative Leadership & Agency Alignment Assess Organizational Culture & Climate Identify Workforce Change Initiative Initiate Design Team PHASE II Assess Adoption / Assimilation Potential Innovation Consensus Identify Objectives & Goals Plan & Promote Dissemination, Diffusion & Adoption PHASE III Planning & Implementation Develop Strategic Implementation Plan Implement Innovation Dissemination, Diffusion & Adoption continue PHASE III Planning & Implementation Develop Strategic Implementation Plan Implement Innovation Dissemination, Diffusion & Adoption continue PHASE IV Stabilization Innovation is Sustained & is Routine Ongoing Evaluation-CQI
San Francisco – Bay Area University Partnership Grant February 10, 2015 Design Team Meeting Late initial start due to Agency Director’s request: – Scheduled October 2014 – Actual Start date December hours per month for 3 years = 144 hours of team meetings Each team has met twice 5
San Francisco – Bay Area University Partnership Grant February 10, 2015 Jurisdiction Change Initiative for Design Teams California Core Practice Model Expected approval sometime during summer 2015 All child welfare agencies are expected to implement The Design Teams will be responsible for implementing in each site 6
San Francisco – Bay Area University Partnership Grant February 10, 2015 Design Team Initial Tasks Recruit full membership – Represents all units – Represents all site levels (except site Director) Enhance existing agency-wide communication system to include 2-way communication of team’s focus, input for decisions, progress. Review COHA results to select and address workforce issues that will advance and impede jurisdiction change initiative. 7
San Francisco – Bay Area University Partnership Grant February 10, 2015 Strengths & Challenges: HSA Otis Street Largest site (about 200 case-carrying staff and their supervisors) Recruiting full design team membership was slow Full team membership is now functioning, beginning to review COHA Communicating across the site is complex and inaccurate or lack of information is common Racial/ethnic tensions exist, including long-lasting institutional memory 8
San Francisco – Bay Area University Partnership Grant February 10, 2015 Strengths & Challenges: HSA 3 rd Street Diverse workforce Desire to improve communication and address workforce issues Beginning to review COHA Unstable leadership: Site Director retired, interim Director, new Director begins March Informal work structure supports team members to irregularly attend and not stay entire time 9
San Francisco – Bay Area University Partnership Grant February 10, 2015 Strengths & Challenges: HSA Mission Street Smallest office, essentially all staff on team (5) Long-term, congenial working team using consensus decision-making Reviewed COHA & selected workforce issues to be addressed: Caseworker safety and public perception of child welfare ) Modify team process may be resisted (e.g. one person tends to dominate; consistent use of data, information, etc.) Members do not identify with other HSA sites 10
San Francisco – Bay Area University Partnership Grant February 10, 2015 Strengths & Challenges: Seneca Existing agency-wide communication easily integrates site team Engaged team, actively reviewing COHA results to identify workforce initiative The two most concerning workforce issues are currently deflected ( high turnover & cultural responsiveness/ diverse workforce) 11
San Francisco – Bay Area University Partnership Grant February 10, 2015 Strengths & Challenges: Leadership HSA & Seneca Directors have excellent relationship Seneca is a separate agency from HSA, integration is an ongoing discussion HSA Director not communicating/managing change initiative across the jurisdiction Although assessed during readiness interview, emerging new competing initiatives 12