Sustainable Global Technologies programme
The main objectives of the programme to coordinate research and teaching activities in TKK and between developing countries and TKK to cooperate e.g. with UN-HABITAT (UN Human Settlements Programme) and UniPid network (Univerisity Partnerships for International Development) Sustainable Global Technologies programme
Sustainable Global Technologies programme to give education that will meet the demands of globalising world - engineers will be in a key position finding sustainable, lasting and equal solutions for global problems - students of today will face changes in the environment, climate, culture and population that require broadmindedness and readiness for anticipatory actions
Sustainable Global Technologies programme Finland has commited itself to United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): 1.Eradicate extereme poverty and hunger 2.Achieve universal primary education 3.Promote genger equality and empower women 4.Reduce child mortality
Sustainable Global Technologies programme 6.Compat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases 7.Ensure environmental sustainability 8.Develop a global partnership for development 5.Improve maternal health
Sustainable Global Technologies programme Finland’s role in achieving the above goals is clearly to find technical solutions and aswers TKK’s strategies include nowadays e.g.: to offer internationally competitive education and skills for multicultural work to increase the number of international students and international exchange of finnish students
Sustainable Global Technologies programme to increase international projects in departments, joint international projects between different departments, and networking with other universities
Sustainable Global Technologies programme The programme was set up to respond to the strategies of the University and to the Finnish development policy
Sustainable Global Technologies programme Yhd State of the World and Development (5 cr) reading material for three hour lectures is mainly from the book AN EXPLORATION INTO AN URBANIZING WORLD: Interconnections of Water, Food, Powerty and Urbanization by Olli Varis from the Laboratory of Water Resources Engineering. Other material coming soon!
Sustainable Global Technologies programme exam consists of the things learned in the lectures and from the reading material dictionaries allowed in the exam Please, be involved in discussions with the lecturers, don’t be affraid to speek english!