Miss Colleen Fish Room 132
Please take some time to make your student their own bookmark! Please read their letter they wrote for you. Please take a look inside their desk to notice some of their work: ◦ Yellow Folder: Writing Workshop ◦ Red Folder: Social Studies/Science ◦ Blue Folder: Work Folder
Please remember to check the white PTO contact sheet ◦ Make sure you make any necessary changes ◦ Initial near your name if everything looks okay Please fill out the volunteer sign up sheet if you would like to help in our classroom
Check the website often! Accessed through Dallin School website ◦ Helpful reminders ◦ Updates ◦ Helpful websites for curriculum ◦ Forms and documents
Homework is due on Friday except for the Reading Response Journal, which is due Wednesday. Completing and returning homework is very important! If you’re noticing that your student is struggling and reaching their frustration level, send in a note and I will work on the homework with them
“ Wave Jumps” ◦ Builds community as students work toward a common goal ◦ Jumps are given for behavior in Specials Behavior Signals ◦ Green- Keep up the good work! ◦ Yellow- Think about the choices you’re making, 5 minutes to think about your behavior ◦ Red- Stop! There will be appropriate consequences Friday Afternoon Club ◦ 20 minutes of free time on Friday afternoon ◦ Students need to have good behavior all week in order to keep their 20 minutes. ◦ Minutes can be taken away, but not given back
Typical Day in Second Grade: Morning Work Fundations Meeting Snack Special Monday- Art Tuesday- PE Wednesday- Library Thursday- PE Friday- Music Math Recess/Lunch Quiet Work – time to catch up on work Daily 5 Writers Workshop Social Studies/Science WIN Block (What I Need) Pack-up and Dismissal
Morning Routines ◦ Students are responsible for: handing in any notes, returning homework, put STAR binder in desk, do their Morning Job Morning Work ◦ Math packet related to the Common Core Standards ◦ Unfinished work or Smart Choice
Letter-Sound Relationships Sound blends, segmenting, letter formation, etc. Word Wall Words Dictations Tools include: ◦ Tile boards ◦ Phonics games ◦ Personal white boards ◦ Word Wall ◦ Letter cards
Calendar Weather Money Days Backwards PlaceValue/Tens Frames Morning Message Also a time to talk about our schedule, updates, questions
Unit Topics: ◦ Mathematical Thinking at ◦ Grade 2 ◦ Addition facts 0-20, Subtraction facts 0-18 ◦ Coin identification and value ◦ Adding coins and dollars ◦ Making change ◦ Time (hour, half hour, quarter hour – for analog and digital, elapsed time, months and days of the week) ◦ Measurement ◦ Data analysis (charts, graphs, diagrams)
Daily 5 Fundations Guided Reading Celebrity Reader Writing Workshop RAZ Kids Independent Reading Shared Reading Read Alouds
Allows students to write about topics that are of interest to themselves, but are things they have experienced and can write about Brainstorm, draft, revise/edit, publish Mini-lessons based on Lucy Calkin’s Writing Program
Done during the first part of the year Students are introduced to literature, music, art, and discussions around: ◦ Geography and mapping skills ◦ Explore cultures: Japan, Continents ◦ Historical Events/Holidays ◦ Current Events (as related to topics covered in school)
Science is done during the second part of the year. Topics include: ◦ Moon: phases, location over time, environment, exploration ◦ Balancing and Weighing ◦ Whales ◦ Butterflies Children start to use the scientific method of asking questions, making predictions, making observations Great Body Shop ◦ Learn about health, safety, nutrition, decision making
Goal: Build community and learn to work together Provides opportunities for social learning and is a comfortable way for students to share or listen when their classmates express concerns and share experiences 1-2 times a week for minutes
Celebrity Reader Reading Response Journal Recess and Lunch – Extra time this year Snack If you need to come into the building you must go through the front entrance, sign-in and get a guest pass. This includes at dismissal time. If something needs to be delivered to a student, leave it with the secretary and she will make sure it gets to the student as soon as possible.