Welcome to Le Mars Community Middle School
Middle School- A Time of Great Change Time of great transition from an elementary child to a young adult in high school-- changes within social, emotional, physical, intellectual, moral characteristics. Only other time within our lives with this amount of rapid change is between ages one to three.
What can you expect from LCMS? High standards with high support. Our students-- only a few short years from college and global job market—they deserve nothing less. –High academic and behavioral standards. –Support through teacher teams, counselors, teacher aides, and administration.
LCMS Academic Support Systems Teacher team interventions. Study Back. Counselors. Study hall tutors. Math and Literacy Academy After-school program. Before/after-school teacher.
Required Classes Math 6 Science 6 Social Studies 6 Language Arts 6 Reading 6 Study Back Physical Education (meets every other day all year)
Required Classes (meet daily for nine weeks) Exploratories -Art 6 -Family & Consumer Science 6 -Keyboarding 6 -General Music 6
Elective Classes (meet every other day for full year) Band 6 Chorus 6 Orchestra 6
Reading and Math Academy Provide extra basic skill development in order to help students progress within the regular curriculum. Qualification: –Scores below 41 st percentile on ITBS in reading or math. –Teacher recommendation.
Transportation: Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zones Student drop-off and pick up on Stadium Drive (south side of MS) for parents and buses. Please, no drop off/pick up on Third Ave. SW. Once the new street is completed, buses will move to this street, and parent zone will remain on Stadium Drive.
We look forward to working with you and your child. Please contact us with any questions. LCMS Office: All staff s are on the school website: