NSLDS UPDATE Software Developers Conference Jim Yoder
Agenda Gainful Employment (GE) Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) changes Enrollment Reporting Future Enhancements 2
Gainful Employment NSLDS will calculate and display GE Debt Measures and Loan Medians for Disclosures based on data reported by schools in 2011 Schools will receive notification of their GE Debt Measures and Loan Medians for Disclosures and the GE Backup Detail Reports (GEDRs) data to support the rates in the summer of 2012 –Pushed data distributed through the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) network 4
GE Rate Package Notification packages consist of: Letters for each program –Debt Measures Letters SAIG Message Class: GELFLEOP –Loan Medians for Disclosures Letters SAIG Message Class: GEMDLTOP 5
GE Rate Package Notification packages consist of: GEDR data file for each program –Loan Medians for Disclosures file SAIG Message Class: GEMDBFOP –Repayment Rate file SAIG Message Class: GEBFLEOP –Debt to Earnings file SAIG Message Class: GEBFLEOP 6
How to Receive the Data SAIG Enrollment Web site –Schools sign-up to receive the GE Rate notification letters and backup data via SAIG to the TG Mailbox designated by the school Gainful Employment Notification Package –The Main campus (OPE-ID ending in '00') must sign-up for this service prior to the rate release date to receive the full GE notification package. –Coordinate this with the PDPA at the school 7
GE Rate Package Schools who do not sign-up before the release date: –Will not receive pushed GE rate letters and GEDR data –Can only request GEDR data from the NSLDS Professional Access Web site on an ad hoc basis –GE rate letters can not be requested 8
How to Request the Data NSLDS Professional Access Web site –Coordinate with PDPA at the school for online access –Under the Report Tab, schools may request the backup data by program or calculation year –The report is distributed to the SAIG TG Mailbox for the school code associated with the online FSA User ID making the request TG# displays at the top of web page Same message classes as slide #6 9
GE Data and File Layouts Record layouts use same structure for the all backup files –Files sent via SAIG message classes –Calculation Type (position 21-21) 1 = Repayment Rate (GEBFLEOP) 2 = Debt to Earnings Ratio (GEBFLEOP) 3 = Loan Medians (GEMDBFOP) –Record Type -Identifies the type of record Position
GE Data and File Layouts Record types 11 Record TypeBackup File Records 00Header Record 05Program Header Record 10Program Student Record 15Program GE Record 20Program Loan Record 25Program Loan – Other GE Record 30Program Loan – Consolidation Loan Record 35Program Loan – Enrollment Record 40Program Student Enrollment in Earnings Year Record 45Program Student Deferment in Earnings Year Record 50 Program Student GE Attendance in Earnings Year Record 55Program Loan Holders Record 99Trailer Record Always included in backup file detail Included if applicable to calculation
GE Data and File Layouts Follow the record layouts, by record type 12 Pos FR Pos TO LengthField Format Attribute NameField Description 166CharacterInstitution Code (OPEID)The six-digit OPEID code used to identify the institution 782CharacterFiller 9124CharacterDebt Measure Year (DMYR)The Debt Measure Year is the current Federal fiscal year minus one (For Example, if the current fiscal year is 2011, the DMYR is 2010) 13186CharacterCIP CodeClassification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code for the educational program for which the Debt Measures (or Loan Medians for Disclosures) were calculated 19202CharacterCredential LevelLevel of degree/certificate/credential for the GE Program Valid Values: 01 - Undergraduate Certificate 02 - Associate’s Degree 03 - Bachelor’s Degree 04 - Post Baccalaureate Certificate 05 - Master’s Degree 06 - Doctoral Degree 07 - First-Professional Degree 21 1CharacterCalculation TypeThe type of calculation performed Valid Values: 1 - Repayment Rate 2 - Debt to Earnings Ratio 3 - Loan Medians 22309NumericCalculation Line NumberFuture Use 31 1CharacterLine Revision IndicatorFuture Use 32332CharacterRecord TypeIndicator used to identify the Program Header Field will be populated with ‘05’ CharacterFiller CharacterProgram NameName of the program designated by the CIP Code. The National Center for Education Statistics assigns the names to CIP Codes
GE Resources Electronic Announcement (EA) and GEDR File Layouts –EA will announce availability of rates –GEDR File layouts posted on IFAP 05/21/2012 Gainful Employment Operations Manual –Originally posted on IFAP 05/11/2012, updated on 05/23/2012 –Provides detailed information on Debt Measures and calculations, including backup data 13
GE Resources Electronic Announcement (EA) –EA #33 explains how to enroll on fsawebenroll.ed.gov for GE notification package Webinar #7: GE How to Read your GE Backup Detail Report, May 16,
GE Future Enhancements Mass corrections and deactivations –Online or SAIG batch submissions Spreadsheet uploads and SAIG submissions to use same date formats: CCYYMMDD Upload Spreadsheet increased from 50 records to 250 New reports to help reconcile data on NSLDS to schools reporting of GE data 15
GE Future Enhancements NSLDS GE User Guide 2012 –Reduced the number of data elements to report –Will be updated as enhancements to the GE Process occur Additional Webinar and communications as the enhancements roll out 16
Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) 17
Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) Currently COD sends NSLDS LEU % for 1 st time Pell recipients from award year and forward Law changed to reduce student’s eligibility from 18 to 12 semesters –Reduced LEU from 900% to 600% –For all Pell Grant recipients 18
LEU Enhancements- COD to NSLDS July 2012, COD will send NSLDS a one time catch up file for students, from award year and forward, who received Pell NSLDS will load the one time LEU % After one time catch up file, subsequent changes will be sent to NSLDS by COD 19
LEU Reminder- NSLDS NSLDS currently uses the LEU throughout –Stores in the database –Displays on websites NSLDS Professional Access, Grant Page NSLDS Student Access, Grant section –Sends out on Transfer Student Monitoring/Financial Aid History Processes and Batch File Layouts 20
LEU Enhancements – NSLDS to CPS Starting July 2012, For Award Year , changes include Addition of a new Pell Lifetime Limit Flag in prescreening match between NSLDS and CPS: E = Limit met or Exceeds (>= 600%) C = Close to Limit (between 501% and 599%) H = High % warning (between 450% and 500% N = No Problem 21
LEU Enhancements – NSLDS to CPS Starting July 2012, For Award Year , CPS changes include SAR C Flag set if the Pell Lifetime Limit Flag is E or C SAR comments generated for the Pell Lifetime Limit Flags to help with resolution 22
LEU Enhancements – NSLDS to CPS Starting July 2012, For Award Year , changes include Addition of new postscreening reason codes between NSLDS and CPS: 20 = Pell eligible and met or exceeded Pell LEU limit (greater than or equal to 600%) 21 = No longer met or exceeded Pell LEU limit 22 = Pell eligible and close to Pell LEU limit (between 501% and 599%) 23 = No longer close to Pell LEU limit 23
LEU Enhancements – NSLDS to CPS Starting with Award Year : Continue Pell Lifetime Limit Flag prescreening match Continue with Pell LEU Limits for postscreening reason codes Addition of LEU percent data element passed from NSLDS to CPS for inclusion on ISIR and SAR 24
Enrollment Reporting Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) published New File Formats 26
Enrollment Reporting DCL GEN –Available on IFAP, dated March 30, 2012 –Important reminder to schools about their Enrollment Reporting responsibilities –Informs schools of certain modifications and enhancements to NSLDS Enrollment Reporting Process 27
Enrollment Reporting New File Formats –File Layouts are available on IFAP, as of 4/6/ ?type=NSLDS Record Layouts –Can start using as of July 2012 Sign-up instructions forthcoming –Transition to one of the new layouts must occur no later than March 31,
Enrollment Reporting New File Formats –NSLDS Enrollment Reporting User Guide will be updated –ED’s SSCR for Windows software becomes obsolete after March 31, 2013 No longer supported for NSLDS Enrollment Reporting 29
Enrollment Reporting New File Formats –New XML Enrollment Reporting schema for SAIG batch file submittal –New Comma Separate Value (CSV) file format for SAIG batch file submittal –Enhanced the existing fixed-width file for SAIG batch file submittal –New Notification File Layout –New Excel file template for upload to the NSLDS Professional Access Web site 30
Enrollment Reporting New XML file format Enrollment Reporting for SAIG batch file submittal Message Class files used to transmit the data –EFRXMLOP: Enrollment File Roster - XML –EFSXMLIN: Enrollment File Submittal- XML 31
Enrollment Reporting New CSV file format Enrollment Reporting for SAIG batch file submittal Message Class files used to transmit the data –EFRCDEOP: Enrollment File Roster - Comma Delimited –EFSCDEIN: Enrollment File Submittal- Comma Delimited 32
Enrollment Reporting Enhanced fixed-width file format Enrollment Reporting for SAIG batch file submittal Message Class files used to transmit the data –EFRFLEOP: Enrollment File Roster - Fixed Length –EFSFLEIN: Enrollment File Submittal- Fixed Length 33
Enrollment Reporting Enrollment Notification File for organizations to service loans –Guaranty Agencies Technical Update GA –Lenders and Lender Servicers Technical Update LLS –Schools that report Perkins Loans Technical Update PK New weekly message class file sent over SAIG –EFNOTFOP: Enrollment Notification 34
Enrollment Reporting New Excel file template for upload to the NSLDS Professional Access Web site Excel spreadsheet template add records and upload while logged into the NSLDS Web site Spreadsheet and location information announced at a later date 35