Schlieren Flow Visualization PM: Joseph A. Gatto Junior / Senior Engineering Clinic Available Positions: 2 Mech E Students 2 ECE Students ME-19 Sponsor: Applied Engineering Research
OBJECTIVES OF THE CLINIC PROJECT Development of Schlieren Flow Viz System Applying the results of a past project on the chemical reaction and separation process; we will package the entire system into an automated, usable prototype. Objectives: Literature review on schleiren techniques. Build a flow visualization apparatus to view flows with a different refractive index than the surrounding air.
Examples: Shock Waves in Upper and Lower Fuselage Development of Schlieren Flow Viz System
Waste Cooking Oil to Biodiesel Project PM: Joseph A. Gatto Junior / Senior Engineering Clinic Available Positions: 2 Mech E Student 1 Chem E Student 2 ECE Students ME-16 Sponsor: Applied Engineering Research
OBJECTIVES OF THE CLINIC PROJECT Waste Cooking Oil to Biodiesel Project Applying the results of a past project on the chemical reaction and separation process; we will package the entire system into an automated, usable prototype. Objectives: Prepare a data acquisition and process control strategy. Build an apparatus that automatically convert waste cooking oil to Biodiesel.