The Client This is the overview of the client that manages the rendering of scenes, interaction, interpolation of local model, and inter- action with the distributed network. This area of the project is managed primarily by the Vizualizationz Team and the Local Model Team. Technologies involved with this part of the program include DirectX, Microsoft Inking, and Speech Synthesis/Recognition APIs.
NetworkControllerInterpolator LocalModel Icon Package Graphics Package IModelRequestAdaptorIViewEventAdaptor AView
IModelRequestAdaptor AView The AView is in charge of displaying graphical elements of the game. In order to do this it requires access to abstracted graphical objects as well as the current state of the objects of the current Continent. These requests are handled through the IModelRequestAdaptor. This is the first part of the client controller that seperates the local model from the view.
IViewEventAdaptor AView The game model often has several requests that must be handled by the view: addition of new objects, chat relays, beeps, etc. The local model talks with the view through The IViewEventAdaptor. This is the second part of the client controller between the local model and the view.
LocalModel Icon Package Graphics Package IModelRequestAdaptor The IModelRequestAdaptor is in charge of retrieving game data, abstractions of graphical elements used for rendering, and any other changes in the game that affect the appearance of an object in the View. Some of these Include: Graphics Package - pre-packaged data describing the appearance of the objects to render. (may include 3d Meshes, Textures, etc.) Icon Packages – Bitmaps used for panels and buttons
NetworkControllerInterpolator LocalModel The LocalModel will hold the most recent interpolated object data at any given point of time during rendering. This data is obtained through the network interface or the calculations of the interpolator. Messages directed toward the View and the addition of newly created objects will be routed through the IViewEventAdaptor.
NetworkController Icon Package Graphics Package Graphics Packages and Icon Packages will be obtained via the Network interface. Ideally, graphics packages of units and icon packages of panels will be distributed through the server network for persistency. Locally stored packages will also be managed to reduce access to the server network.