24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov1 Status of TileCal software.


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Presentation transcript:

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov1 Status of TileCal software

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov2 ATLAS offline software  ATLAS offline software is organized in hierarchical structure in ATLAS offline CVS repository  There are 3 kind of packages Core packages like Database, Detector Description Non-core common packages like Simulation, Reconstruction Sub-system packages, like InnerDetector, TileCalorimeter  All top level packages are split in subpackages, (TileCalorimeter package has ~20 subpackages)  Every sub package has a number of C++ source files, which contain algorithms, services, converters, etc.  During build procedure every package makes one or more shared libraries  All the software is running in Athena framework, the sequence of algorithms to run is set via jobOptions file

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov3 ATLAS Tag Collector

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov4 Software development process  Every package in offline repository has a coordinator  From time to time coordinator decides to produce new tag for the package (i.e. mark all files in the package with special tag, like TileDetDescr ) and put this tag in the Tag Collector  Every night all packages listed in the Tag Collector are checked out from CVS repository and nightly build is produced build starts at 21:00 Geneva time It takes about 12 hours to build all ~600 packages  In the morning developers can see results of the build on the web and test new software in Athena All the dependencies are clearly visible (if change in one package breaks build of another package) 7 last night builds are kept on the disk for tests

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov5 Nightly builds web page

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov6 Releases of ATLAS software  Every 3 weeks new release of ATLAS software is made Last week release was built  Although developers are trying to provide tested code for such a release, still some bugs are usually discovered here and there Special “Releases status” web page contains up to date information about all the releases  Every half a year a major release is produced Deadline for release is 31th of July  If bugs are found in major release, the bug-fix release is made rapidly Only last digit changed, e.g. release  Such a major (bug-fixed) release is distributed all over the world and it is used for simulation and reconstruction of big data samples (Data Challenges)

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov7 TileCal Software developers  Software development in TileCal is done in 3 areas and is coordinated by 3 people Simulation and Detector Description (Vakhtang Tsulaia, JINR) Reconstruction and Event Data Model (Frank Merritt, Chicago University) Conditions database and database services (Tom LeCompte, ANL)  Members of TileCal collaboration are also developers of the offline software outside TileCalorimeter package Jet finding in Reconstruction package (Ambreesh Gupta, Chicago University)  New people are coming this year:  New people are coming this year: Adam Aurisano (Chicago), Gia Khoriauli (JINR), Karl Gellerstedt (Stokholm)

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov8 TileCal simulation  Since long time we provided code for GEANT3 simulation of TileCal (both testbeam and full ATLAS)  2 years ago we started to simulate our testbeam setup with Geant4 (standalone program)  Now we are able to run Geant4 simulation in standalone mode and inside Athena, for all testbeam setups and for TileCal in ATLAS  Still need to persistfy Geant4 hits (only ntuple-based persistency is available right now) Will be done for release There will be no difference between Geant3 and Geant4 for reconstruction

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov9 TileCal G4 simulation TileCal in ATLASTestbeam setup

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov10 TileCal Detector Description  ATLAS Detector Description will be a unique source of information for simulation, reconstruction abd analysis stages  ATLAS Detector Description uses NOVA database (MySQL) to store all primary numbers  Since release TileCal has interface to NOVA from Geant3 and Geant4; both simulations use exactly the same numbers  The work on the so-called GeoModel is going on GeoModel builds detector tree similar to Geant4 tree This tree is available not only at simulation, but also ate the reconstruction stage, i.e. reconstruction will use the same geometry as simulation First prototype will be available in release 7.0.0, the work will be mostly finished in release 8.0.0

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov11 TileCal Reconstruction Tile Data ObjectsTile Algorithms TileHit (signal seen by PMT) TileDigits (25-ns time slices) TileRawChannel (after optimal filtering) TileCell (calibrated cell energy) TileHitToDigitsTileDigitToRawChannelTileRawChannelToCell TileDigits ByteStream RawChannel ByteStream

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov12 TileCal Reconstruction  We have all the algorithms to go through full reconstruction chain  We are able to generate noise, simulate signal shape, apply optimal filtering Noise is in the release since Optimal filtering is in the release since (code is taken from Richard Teuscher)  We are able to write ByteStream file with energy, time,  2 (output of the ROD) and read it back In the release since Used by HLT group to study Trigger performance  We have code for TileCal Level 1 Trigger Towers simulation Need to simulate Level 1 muon trigger (good task for the beginner!)

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov13 TileCal Reconstruction plans  In nearest future we are going to provide code for pileup generation using Athena pileup service  We will extend our optimal filtering code to deal with out-of-time signals  We will continue to work on improvement of all our algorithms, will take into account recommendations of RTF Separation of event and non-event (DetDescr) data Implementation of all corrections (calibrations) as AlgTools, i.e. outside reconstruction algorithms, for easier replacement First AlgTool was written by Gia Khoriauli just in 2 weeks! New hadronic energy calibration (with LAr)

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov14 TileCal Identifiers  Identifier is a special object for identification of every sensitive element of ATLAS detector  There are 2 kind of Identifiers Offline identifier in TileCal describes position of cell in ( , ,r) space Online identifier (hardware identifier) in TileCal describes one readout channel: (drawer#,channel#)  We are using offline identifiers for Geant hits and CaloCells and online identifiers for our Digits and RawChannels  For the moment all numbers for Tile Identifier are kept inside C++ code, migration to Data Dictionary (i.e. external XML file with all numbers) will be done for release  There is a new proposal now to provide identifiers to all passive materials in ATLAS with 0.1 granularity in ( ,  ) space (can be implemented around release 7.5.0) Energy deposits in passive material will use this identifier This will be used for fine-tuning of hadronic calibration algorithms

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov15 Testbeam analysis in Athena  We almost at the point when we can read testbeam data in Athena  The ByteStream package in Athena needs to be modified slightly Will be done by expert (Hong Ma) soon  After that it’s TileCal responsibility to unpack “digits” and to apply optimal filtering properly Need to merge TileNtuple unpacking with ByteStream unpacking in Athena Work will start in august by Karl Gellerstedt  Also need to provide interface to testbeam calibration database in Athena

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov16 TileCal Database  Do not have too much in Athena now Waited for common ATLAS approach to Conditions database  We are reading ASCII files for the moment  Want to try new “Interval of Validity” service (IOVSvc) available in release and to store/retrieve our conditions data (calibrations constants)  After we understand how IOVSvc works, we might use it for all our calibration constants, including constants for testbeam analysis

24/06/03 ATLAS WeekAlexandre Solodkov17 Conclusions  TileCal software development, although understaffed, is going not too bad  In some areas we are quite advanced thanks to efforts of our simulation / reconstruction / database coordinators  The software development in Athena framework is now at the stage when even non-experts can do something  Many results already achieved …  … but still a lot of work to be done!