By, Vanessa Rodriquez
The total amount of miles for a round trip would be: 3,464 The total amount t of gallons that I would use would be: The total amount of money I would have to spend for gas is: $492.22
Holiday Inn RAPID CITY-RUSHMORE PLAZA It will be $170 per night so, all together it is $875! h Click here to visit the hotel site
Stone walls-I spent $36.00 Stone walls DELMONICO GRILL-I spent $82.00 DELMONICO GRILL-I McDonalds-I spent $20.96 McDonalds Olive Garden-I spent $69.52 Olive Garden Arby’s-I spent $19.93 Arby’s I’m also going to eat at restaurants I see and also at the hotel I'm attending.hotel
I got all of my information by the following site- ts/ ts/
This is a play that people put on based on the wild west. After the play there are expedites to explore.
You get to drive and see animals that are not in cages. There are things like lions and tiger and donkeys. You will be put on a special vehicle, that a worker will be driving.
You get to Explore the wonders of the Black Hills of South Dakota with a professional guide!
You will get to go fly fishing. If you don’t know how to do it there will be people there to help. I think this will be a good experience.
I have $43.68 to use on tips.
$4, I will have to save $ per week
Expenditure Cost Quantity Total Gas $ $ Hotel $ $ Stone walls $ $36.00 DELMONICO GRILL $83 $82.00 McDonalds $ $20.92 Olive Garden $68.52 $69.52 Arby's $19.93 $19.93 Black Hills Wild West Adventure $ $ Animal Adventures $ $ Rapid City Stay and Tour Vacation Package $ $ Black Hills Fly-Fishing Package $ $ Gas Ajasment $59.08 $59.08 tips $43.68 $43.68 extra money per day $ $ total for the whole trip $4,183.35
I hope you enjoyed it!!!