E-INVOICE Features Create E-Invoice Print The E-Invoice to deliver the material Track the status of ECCI from ECCI Created stage to till Payment proposal generated 1
Login into E-Invoice System 2
3 1.Enter User id. 2. Enter Password 3.Click on “Log In” button, after that you will redirected to “E-Invoice” default page.
4 Display the status of ECCI. Display the list of all order Display Order/ ECCI as Entered Clear the Order No & ECCI No. Print ECCI Display all draft ECCI
Create ECCI 5
6 1. Enter the Order No. 2. Click on “Search” button, to search the detail of Order.. 2. Click on “Search” button, to search the detail of Order..
7 1. Select the Order 2. Click on Button, To Create ECCI
8 Enter Excise Invoice No in case of excisable item Enter Excise Invoice Date in case of excisable item Enter Commercial Invoice D ate Enter Commercial Invoice No
9 Click here to view the full material description
10 1. Select the item for which you want to create ECCI 2.Enter Delivery Quantity 3.Enter Chapter ID For excisable item
11 Note :- Excisable and Non Excisable item can’t be clubbed together in one ECCI Icon having Red color - i indicate excisable item Icon having white color - i indicate non excisable item
Click on the Pricing button, Pricing Detail will appear 12
13 1.Enter the amount detail 2. Click on the calculate button, to validate the entered amount, and it also display the amount calculated by system 3. Amount Calculated by System 4. Error Message
14 3.Click on save button, to Save the Pricing data which you have entered 1.Enter the amount 2. Click on the calculate button 4. Click on close button to Close this window.
15 2. Documents displayed in Blue color are required for GR 3. Documents displayed in Green color are required for IV 1. Select Documents
16 2. Click this button to create the final version of ECCI 2. Click this button to save the ECCI in Draft Mode 2. Click this button to save the ECCI in Draft Mode Note :- ECCI in Draft Mode will not be processed until it is finally Submitted by supplier
17 1. After Clicking on “Save” Button or “Save as draft” Button System will alert 2. System will generate the ECCI No.
Print ECCI 18
19 2. Click on “Print ECCI” button, To Display the ECCI in PDF Format 1. Enter the ECCI No
20 1. ECCI is in Created Stage, Do not take the Print 2. Do not deliver the material, at this stage
21 1. Get the print only if the ECCI Status is “Ready for dispatch”. 2.Click here to print 4) After taking Print out, Sign here with Date 3. Write Vehicle No
22 1. ECCI is cancelled by the system, Do not deliver the material at this stage
Cancel ECCI 23
24 1. Enter ECCI No 3. Click this button to view the ECCI Detail. 2.Click here to select the ECCI
25 Click the “Cancel” Button, To Cancel the ECCI
26 ECCI Cancelled Successfully
View All ECCI for any Particular Order 27
28 1. Enter the Order No. 2. Click on “Search” button, to search the detail of Order.. 2. Click on “Search” button, to search the detail of Order..
29 Click on Icon to view the current status of all ECCI which you have created earlier for this particular order
30 ECCI with current status Click here to close the window
Validations 31
During ECCI creation, if for any item concurrent order exist user will not able to select that item, and system will display the list of concurrent order in a pop up screen. User will have to create ECCI for the concurrent order first Technical Setting In case pop up window with list of concurrent order is not appearing, then user needs follow the steps below a) Go to tool menu of internet Explorer b) Click on pop-up blocker c) Turn on pop-up blocke r Concurrent order
33 3. First create ECCI for This order 1. Try to select the item, if this order item is a concurrent with other item then 2. A Pop-up Screen for concurrent order item will be displayed Concurrent Order Issue
34 You can not create ECCI If warehouse is not mapped, Contact to help desk Department Ware House Issue
35 Delivery Quantity can not be zero and more than the open quantity Delivery Quantity Issue
Non Applicable item in an ECCI 36 Excisable and Non-Excisable Items are not allowed to club together in an ECCI Cenvatable and Non Cenvatable items are not allowed to club together in an ECCI Items having different ware house are not allowed in a single ECCI
37 1. Excisable Item 2.Non-Excisable Item 3. Try to select Non-Excisable item 4. System Alert 3. Excisable item is selected Excisable and Non-Excisable item Issue
38 1. Cenvatable Item 2.Non-Cenvatable Item 3. Items Not allowed in single ECCI Cenvatable and Non-Cenvatable item Issue
Delivery cost, Taxes and duties 39
40 Click on button to view the delivery cost of Excisable Items Click on button to view the delivery cost of Non-Excisable Items
41 2. Click on calculate button to view calculated amount as per order 3. System will calculate the taxes and duties as per order Taxes and duties for Excisable item
42 3. System will calculate the taxes and duties as per order 2.Click on calculate button.. 2.Click on calculate button.. Taxes and duties for Non-Excisable item
Track Item Wise status 43
44 2.Click on “ECCI Status” 1. Enter ECCI No.
45 1. GR Status 2. Select the line Item 3. Click here to view the Invoice Status
46 Current Status IV Done on Date as displayed IV Done on Date as displayed Payment Pending
Retrieve Password 47
48 Click on “Forgot Your Logon Information?” button. If you forgot the password.Forgot Your Logon Information? Click on “Forgot Your Logon Information?” button. If you forgot the password.Forgot Your Logon Information?
49 1.Select the Location 2.Enter the User ID 3.Click the Button, You will receive the new password in your registered mail
50 1.Slect the Location 2.Enter the Vendor Code 3. Select the checkbox for ECCI 4.Click the Button, You will receive the new password in your registered mail
Thank You 51